The moss-covered cemetery was once the site of Savannah's most beatiful estates. Built entirely of imported English brick by Colonel Mulryen in the 1750s, the house called "Bonaventure" was landscaped with beautiful hanging terraces and surrounded by hundreds of live Oaks.The Colonel's daughter Mary married Josiah Tattnall, and they soon had two sons,John and Josiah Junior,. The Mulrynes and Tattnalls were loyal to King George III and returned to England when the Revolutionary War began, but Josiah Junior returned to Georgia to fight with the Colonies. He became very prominent in the new state of Georgia and would eventually be elected governor.Years later, during a lavish dinner party at "Bonaventure", with many socially elite guests in attendance, the old mansion caught fire.Josiah Junior insisted his guests finish dinner and had his servants take the massive dinning table into the yard.As the guests watched the great house burn out of control, they politely reminisced about " Bonaventure's" proud history.Perhaps that timeless moment of poise and sadness lives on today.Cemetery visitors sometimes complain to caretakers about the clatter of tableware and the laughter from a near-by dinner party,when in fact, no one is around.Haunted Places,pp.139-140. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18155 ( Click here )
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