I was reading the post that HJ had posted about her friend that she needs prayers for and I thought about my neighbor that had a very similar accident, but sadly she had died during the accident. She was 60 feet from her house. She was driving and I think she slid on loose gravel, afterwards she hit a cubard(i think thats how you spell it)she flipped a few times and was thrown out of her back window. It was said that when she was thrown out of the car, she hit her head on a tree that was near. My friend Blake was behind her, but a train separated them. Before he reached her house, he saw the accident and couldn't find her. He was in shock and ran to my house. My parents followed him there with flashlights. My mom shined the light across the fence and saw her near the tree. She went over and heard a gasp come out of her mouth, but when she reached her, she wasn't breathing. It was horrible to lose someone that you've known your whole life. Even though we didn't talk all of the time, she left imprints in all of our lives. She was in her early 20's when she passed away.
Its just very odd how life and death takes place. I was thinking about the lasttime that I had saw her. It was at my Great Grandfathers funeral. I remember sitting next to her and she told me "If I ever die, I don't want to have a church funeral, it kind of creeps me out because of all of the quietness." Its just very odd how things are mentioned about death just right before it happends to them.
The last time I talked to my late boyfriend we were having a discussion about the death of my friend Amber. A few weeks later, he was found dead. Its just odd how we speak about death before it happends. Have you ever had that happen to you before? If so, what was said? Much love ~Aradia~ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62649 ( Click here )
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