There once was a little boy Who lived in a small town Mostly poor people live there Not very many rich people around
It was almost Christmas time When the little boy's mother grew sick They couldn't afford a doctor But the mother thought rest would do the trick
The little boy grew worried As his mother grew sicker each day But the mother told him to stop worrying And that he should go out and play
But the little boy sat by his mother's side Each and every day And every night he kneeled beside his bed For his mother he would pray
But then one day when he came inside From a long time of play His mother had stopped breathing He realized she had passed away
The little boy was sent to the orphange With other boys and girls He miss his mother More then anything in the world
One week later Before Christmas Eve The little boy took out a piece of paper and pen He decided to write a letter to Santa About how lonely his life has been
Dear Santa, I want only one thing Only my mother I want you to bring
It has only been a week Since she passed away I still think about her From this very day
It's almost Christmas Eve And I don't have anyone to celebrate it with Just the people who I don't know Oh please Santa give me my wish
When I walk down the stairs Christmas Eve night To the decorated Christmas tree I hope to see my mother's sweet face Smiling at me
So please Santa I'm begging you Send me the mother I once loved and knew
by: Scooby_Doo_Gurl You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 43015 ( Click here )
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