There is a story that should be written. There is a book that should be read. There was one who was smitten. There is another beyond what was said.
Descriptions fail to even compare, Of worldly things within the heart. The book to read can intimately share, And then your understanding can start.
Avoid the cover to guess what's inside, Or you will forever clueless be. Many of the treasures she will hide, And the casual readers will never see.
Each sentence is finely crafted, To weave each thought and detail. The special book that was drafted, Your enthusiasm will not fail.
Touch the story of her heart and soul, A pleasure that exceeds all hope. The last page read can leave a hole, With the characters hanging on a rope.
How soon a sequel to hit the print, So the saga is directed in scene? To examine all that was meant, Two people make a sweet dream.
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