Well, for those that have an older sister, or a younger sister,you might be able to relate(Which scares me lol) And ifyou have even a brother instead, you still may be able to.
Well, my sister is 8 years older than me, so you can just guess she was always my babysitter. Well, here are some tales about her sisterly love.
-When I used to annoy her to no end, she'd lock me in my room. I was around, maybe, 5, so she'd shove this extra mattress we had, in front of my door, because I couldn't climb over the mattress....One day I could finally do it.
-If she'd made me cry, I'd try to call my mom. She'd threaten me. "Heather, I have Chuckie's number. If you call mommy, or if you're still being bad, I'm going to call him." This resulted in me doing whatever she'd want. Getting her food, drinks, everything. She also used the Boogie man also.
-If I was buggin her, she'd sit on me....Enough said.
-Once she felt particularly cruel, threw my lunchable out in the snow, and I thought "Hm, I won't put on socks or shoes, and it's okay I'm in shorts and a t-shirt. I'm coming right back in." I went out to get it, and she locked me outside for 5-10 minutes. She got heck for that hehe.
-We'd be sitting in the car, as my mom went out into the store to buy groceries. Things were pretty good. Though when my sister saw my mom, she'd say "HEATHER! LOCK ALL THE DOORS! IT'S CHUCKIE DISGUISED AS MOM!" Well, I bolted around in the car, locking doors, and not letting my mom in the car. Oops!
-Whenever my sis, my dad, and I went to McDonalds, we'd always get Happy Meals. I always had the hamburger, my sis, the cheeseburger. My dad would leave to go to the bathroom. EVERY time he did it just before we were about to leave....That's just the way it was when we ate at McDonalds. Well, everytime my dad did, she'd say "Heather, if you give me half of your hamburger, I'll tell you a secret." WELL! I fell for it...each time, and each time she'd take the hamburger, and she'd either just to static in my ear, or burp. Sad....Yes....
-Once, we were having this huge pillow fight, and she got the idea to put her arm in the pillow case. Well, this resulted in me losing a tooth, and her laughing her butt off. >>shakes head<<
This is all I can remember at the moment....v.v I was foolish as a child, yes,I know lol. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this!
-Heather AKA Gothic Angel You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55386 ( Click here )
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