When I first saw my love, I thought, “This man is ugly! I could never be attracted to him! His hair is too long, and scraggly. He’s got that gold tooth. Doesn’t own a pair of pants Without a hole in it. And, my God, somebody Should tell him to shave His face, and his back.”
And then, we got to talking, Tender talk. Talk about love, and poems, And sunrises, and about how Sad I felt when my cat died. And those big, blue eyes Were so sympathetic, And I thought to myself, “He’s not so bad! A little plain, maybe, But somehow attractive In his own way.”
And then, the death Of another dear friend. He held my hand At the funeral, and my tears Found a home on his shoulders. As I wept, I breathed deeply. Sigh after sigh, I took in his scent, And I was grateful for his presence. And I thought to myself, “How strong he is, how comforting To lean on this towering man, To have his strength to sustain me, Now, when I need it most. And, there is something about him….” He kissed me. Hesitant, that first kiss, As though he was afraid That I would push him away. But, I took that kiss, Slow, at first, Then deeply drank it in, Like a bottle of Dom Perignon, To be savored with full passion. Our souls were knit together On some ethereal plane, A spark ignited, And the fire started within me. Not fireworks, But the fire that grows From one leaf, Into a raging inferno. The coals remain hot. And I thought, “This is my soul mate. Thank heaven we were able To find each other!”
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