Tracking Ghosts Is No Easy Lifestyle
Deciding which cemetery to investigate is a simple task. There are so many from which to choose. On June 28, 2002 I decided on two cemeteries to visit. Crown Point Cemetery off of Sycamore Street, and Kokomo Memorial Garden at the corner of North and Ohio Streets. Before leaving home I check my equipment and supplies. I make sure I have extra batteries, and a bottle of fresh water to drink. When I arrive at the cemetery everything is ready.
I just get a feeling of where to start photographing. Sometimes I take dozens of photos that produce absolutely nothing. Tonight I take seventy or so snapshots, and make recordings with my cassette recorder. Tonight is especially scary. As I search for just the right place to photograph, I find other living humans in the cemetery. One male walks right by me. He is half dressed, and mumbling some sort of prayer to himself. Other encounters are the vehicles that seem to be fulfilling a clandestine rendezvous. I make every attempt to stay as far from them as possible.
There are some beautiful stones to photograph in the cemeteries. Monuments that are worthy of kings. This lifestyle is peaceful and most relaxing. It also gives me the opportunity to visit with relatives, who have crossed over, in the cool if the evening.
Arriving home I download my digital images to the PC and continue my search. "Great Cesar’s Ghost!" I hit the jackpot, so to speak. One gravestone has a party going on. There are at least thirteen Orbs in one photo. Other snapshots throughout Crown Point Cemetery reveals Orbs all over the place. This cemetery definitely has a story to tell.
If you're considering ghost tracking as a personal lifestyle, please proceed with caution and a few things mentioned here
1. Notebook and pen (recording notes)
2. Extra Batteries (you never know when they might fail)
3. Flashlight (does this need an explanation?)
4. Measuring tape (checking distances and witness accounts)
5. Extra films and recording tapes (might be essential)
6. Small tool kit (some electronic devices need screwdrivers to change batteries)
7. Camera (I recommend a good 35 mm, digital, and the like)
8. Sketch Pad & Colored Pencils (diagrams)
9. Motion Detectors
10. Infrared Sensors or Night Vision goggles
11. Video Camera
12. Recording Devices
13. Compass (It could direct you to a ghost or energy field or spin while a field is present. Or it could keep you from getting lost.)
14. Dowsing Rods
15. Thermometers (for checking air temperature)
16. First Aid Kit (in case your flashlight fails and you trip in the dark)
Of course all of these items aren't essential, but I believe in making use of everything I have available. I also suggest taking a friend along. If you have a ghost story,or know a urban legend, please contact: Russel You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62739 ( Click here )
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