Hi everyone! I have a few questions that maybe some of our gifted usmers ;) can help me with... okay here goes:
I believe in the gift/power to discern spirits and energy. I have been told I have the ability to do this and for many years I have been very sensitive to spirits and energy forces. I have seen and witnessed many things within my home and around my area. I get a feeling right beside my heart that indicates to me "warning" and often if I sense goodness or neutral energy I acknowledge it and accept it.
I have asked many questions about my past lives, if I had any, because I am still undecided about the entire concept and two people told me the same answer, I was not allowed to know for my own protection. I am curious to know what it means, but not eager...heh.
What I wanted to ask is if anyone here on usm has this ability to discern spirits? Do you find it constant or only sometimes? Do you find it draining? Do you experience more evil then good?
I am curious because since I was about 2 years old I have been seeing and witnessing paranormal events. I used to talk with a spirit when I was younger and had a dream about her when I was about 7 years older. Since then I have become very senstive to spirits. I often feel this tension between me and what I sense as "evil" as if there is something about me or my past that has done something to upset "them" or put me into this position.
Anyone who is interested in this or has any advice or knowledge please feel free to leave me a comment. It's almost as if I have this ability, I know I have a "mission" in place... yet, I am not sure what it all means? Also has anyone ever experienced spirits since they were a young age and still do?
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