Hey Usm, guess whos back? Thats right I am! For those of you who didn't know I was gone, I was gone to Newfoundland for the last 2 weeks, the trip altogether was alright.
The drive there was a long one, with lots of turns and twists, I fell asleep alot, despite how uncomfortable I was. We got to the ferry to take us there, at this time it was about midnight and we got on the ferry, and I must of slept altogether about 1 hour or so, the chairs were so uncomfortable, and I was just about to go to sleep but some guy kept coughing... Well, at about 7 in the morning we got there, and then set out for a 8 hour drive, and let me tell you, this drive was so boring. The road never ended, and it wasn't scenic at all, just grass..well if you include all the pit stops and stuff, we got there at about 4:00pm.
After unpacking and whatnot, me and my brother decided to go catch up with some old friends, well we couldn't find anyone for the longest time..then at about 7:00pm we caught up with some people. We talked for awhile then we got hungry so we headed back to get something to eat, after we were done eating, my brother told me that he doesn't want me to hang around him anymore, and he left. I have to admit I was hurt, and very lonely. I didn't do anything for the rest of that day and the days to come. I just sat around being bored.
Well on about Thursday, I caught up with a old friend and I hung around with him and his girlfriend. Now, my friends girlfriend, lets call her Jess..Jess is a really nice girl who treats him good, but my friend treats her like crap. It bothered me because just the stuff he would do. Like she would be on the phone and he would yell at her to get off because he couldn't hear the tv, and you could hear the tv fine..and when she did get off, he just went on the phone!
We watched movies, but those two would always fall asleep and I would be there watching the movie by myself :p Well on Saturday, we went fishing..Jess caught about 30 fish, I caught about 10 and my friend caught like 3..We laughed at him :D
Well on sunday, there was a wedding that I had to go to. My sister was the flower girl, I am surprised she actually walked up the isle...she looked scared..and we all had to hide ourselves, because if she saw us, she would of ran to us..
The wedding went good, I stayed there until about 3 in the morning, and people kept asking me to dance, I was so worn out. I slept till about 1:00pm..
Well the next week Me, and my friend and Jess, and another girl who we'll call Sue. all desired to go to a cabin together on a island. After packing abunch of stuff into this little boat, we started going and I swear I thought I was going to fly off, the way that little boat flew through those waves..and I was wearing steal boots, so I would of sank..and no life jackets..oops :)
We got there and unpacked. The whole time I was there, I was the "bug killer" everyone was afraid to kill bugs but me. Anyway, me and sue had to sleep together in one room on a air mattress, and my friend and jess slept in the other room. At about 1 in the morning I was so sick of Sue..She wanted me to stay up untill she went to sleep because she was scared. She took all the blankets and I ended up on the floor off the air mattress, well after she was asleep, and SNORING in my EAR..I don't know how I kept my sanity but I fell asleep and got up early.
I went out to the end of the warf and watched the sun rise alone, sure I felt alittle lonely but there was a sort of comfort to it, it was peaceful the way it shined over the calm water.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. The cabin has no power, so we have to start a generator, and the water is straight from a brook way way back in the woods.
Me and my friend did all the cooking :D They said my pork chops were better then his, so I bragged...Later that day, those guys decided to go swimming. I didn't..I just didn't feel like it. So I watched for sharks, and lucky for them I didn't see any :)
They decided to have a shower, outside with the hose..from the brook. Well guess what! They ran out of water, and they "needed to wash there hair" so me and my friend had to walk all the way back in the woods, we were eaten alive by flies and bugs, trees were everywhere..and by the time we go back there, everything was fine..on the way back, I cut my hand 3 times on a rock. Nothing to deep :P..well after they were done washing there hair. I cook Kraft dinner, and they said it was the best they ever had :) woo, so I bragged again. They also wanted me to tell them scary stories and stuff that night. So me and Sue slept on the bottom bunk and my friend and jess slept on the top bunk.
I told them stories about big foot and ghosts and stuff, and they were so scared that they couldn't even go to sleep, they closed the doors and windows because they were that scared, and sue was latched on my arm so tight because she was scared. Well I lost the blankets again that night and almost fell off the bed because she kept getting closer to me, and it was freaking me out. She snored in my ear again..sigh.
Well, we orginally were going to back on Wednesday but we wanted to stay longer, so we decided we needed more stuff, so we took the boat back..again, I was afraid for my life. We got there, and got more food and whatnot, and got back to the cabin, that night we watched the perfect storm..good movie to go with all the water around us.. I slept on the couch, ALONE. I couldn't stand another night by her...she almost cried, whoops :) I got up the earliest again, to see the sun rise :) that day went by fast..nothing to exciting happened.
That night, since it was the last one. I slept by sue, just so she would stop whining,hehe. That morning me and my friend got up at 5:30 in the morning and went fishing hahah..it was unplanned, we just couldn't get back to sleep. /
Well there was alot of fish, but we didn't catch anything.. how sad..we saw 2 sharks however. Only little ones, we came back at like 9 in the morning and slept until 12...the water wasn't working again..so we had to go back again to fix it..I cut myself again, this time on the other hand. Well, after that, we had to start heading back, so we flew through the crazy waves again and came back. Jess and my friend were fighting, like they always did..about stupid things, and she wouldn't get out of the boat, she just sat there..so after 10 minutes I just took my stuff and left..
I got alot of sleep that night. The next day we started packing up stuff, and we went fishing again and caught 261 fish! woo! I had fish blood and stuff all over me, how fun. I also got a fish hook caught in my hand.
Well that took care of that day. I went to sleep at about 10 and woke up at 8 to pack things. We had everything packed and said our good byes and were out of there by 10:30 in the morning. I slept for most of the 8 hours to the ferry, because I was so tired. The ferry was delayed because of a thunder storm, so we got there at about 11:00 and had to wait until 3:15 in the morning for the ferry. I just slept in the van until the ferry got there.
We finally boarded it at 5 in the morning. It was rocking like crazy, from the huge waves crashing against it, you couldn't even walk straight because you would be pushed over. At about 10 in the morning, we got there and I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. The ride home was long and boring. Lots of turns and twists. Nothing to interesting at all. I got home at 4:00PM today, and unpacked some stuff. and now I'm sitting here with my cut up hands, sun burnt body and I forget how to type and I missed you all so much!
And after all of it, what do I have to say...
I'm tired.
Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, because I am to tired to actually go over it :)
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .