These are the haunts of Savannah. My dad worked down there for a while and when my mom went down there, they went on a Ghost Tour, i'm not sure if they went into any of these places but if they had went throught the whole entire tour, i'm sure they would have visited most of these!
~*~ FuelGirl180 ~*~
1790 Inn and Tavern - This Inn was built in 1790 and is haunted by a girl named Anna She was a seventeen year old girl who was shunned after getting pregnant by a sailor. The sailor was said to have jumped out of the third story window and died. He haunts the same room the window was located. Guests claim to lose things such as wallets, ID's, and underclothes. They will later be found in planters or behind bookshelves. People have also reported hearing Anna in the room moving things around. - December 2003 Update/ Correction: The story is that she was in love with a sailor, but HE did NOT jump from the window... SHE DID. (He had gone to sea and was not there to throw himself out of a window) She was deeply depressed because he was going to sea and leaving her, most likely never to return. It is said that she could see the sails of his boat as it went down river and out to sea. She threw herself from a 3rd floor window. There is also said to be a woman who haunts the kitchen in the inn who used to practice voodoo, and a spirit haunts the bar/restaurant area. The submitter claims to have taken photos throughout the inn, but have not caught any anomalies on film. However, when they tried taking pictures in the bar area, their camera suddenly failed to work. Once they left the area, the camera functioned with no problem. They also had to buy new batteries twice in one weekend, as if something had drained them. On the second floor a linen closet, they felt a foreboding presence. Later, when talking to a housekeeper at the inn, they were told she had had a dream once of a man clad in 1700's clothing coming out of that same closet. She had no idea that they had a really creepy feeling each time they walked by it. The second time they stayed at the 1790's they remarked to the clerk as they checked in, that at least they weren’t going to have to sleep in "Anna's room". The clerk told them that the window she threw herself from was not actually her bedroom at the time... her bedroom was room 101... which is the room they was staying in! When they reached the room and proceeded to unlock the door, it wouldn't open. Both she and her husband tried, the bottom lock was unlocked, but the deadbolt wasn't. They had knocked on the door, jokingly saying, "Anna... come on, open up." They returned to the innkeeper and she went up with us to check out the problem. She informed them that the deadbolts could only be locked from the inside and the innkeeper has a master key for those. She pushed down on the door handle and the door opened with no problem! It was if the deadbolt had never been locked, yet they BOTH knew that it had been. The 1790's Inn (is actually spelled out as Seventeen Hundred Ninety’s Inn, in case you want to search the net for it) is most definitely filled with an atmosphere of spirits from the past, you can feel it all around you if you are sensitive to that kind of thing. They heard noises in the room at night, and guests have been known to leave in the middle of the night after seeing apparitions and hearing strange sounds.
Bonaventure Cemetery - Several ghosts are believed to haunt this old cemetery, including the ghost of a small girl named Gracie Watkins who is buried there. At times she cries in the night, and the life-sized statue of the her cries tears of blood if you take something out of its hands. People who visit the cemetery often place presents in her hands such as money, trinkets, etc. There is also a pack of ghost dogs that haunt the grounds. No one has actually seen them, but they run after you and you can hear them barking and breathing.
Fort Pulaski - Late at night it is known to have strange noises, such as gun firing, people dieing, and a little girl crying.
Grove Point Plantations - Witnesses say you can see mist of smoke following you and sometimes they chase you. You can even hear sounds, loud pitch voices almost like a horse but not. Bushes will move trees with slant down.
Hampton Lillibridge House - This is said to be the most haunted house in Savannah, and the only house known to have had an exorcism. When the house was being restored in the 1960s, some workmen refused to finish the job because of strange occurrences (tools disappearing, hearing footsteps when they knew they were alone, strange feelings). On one occasion, a man was seen wearing a black suit and bow tie in the third floor window when no one was living in the house. Neighbors have also heard a woman's scream coming from within the house, and a gray haired man has also been sighted.
Haslam House - a tall man appears and some poltergeist activity also.
Isle of Hope Camp Villamarie - Everyone who has ventured through this area with us has claimed to see the same things,.... we all hear children playing and see blue outlines of things moving and hear swing sets when there are none in the area and see bright lights go on and off in uncontrollable areas. It is near the site of an old battle from the civil war. KY
The Juliette Low Birthplace - This house is haunted by two former owners: Sarah Gordon and her daughter-in-law Nellie Kinzie Gordon, who was the mother of Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouting. Nellie is said to rearrange furniture, play the piano, and slide down the banister after the museum closes down for the night. Sarah is often seen, wearing an old-fashioned dress, by visitors to the place.
Kehoe House Bed & Breakfast - Said to be haunted by the spirits of children. Also, by a "Lady in Gray" who haunts not only the bed & breakfast in general, but particularly room #203. People who have stayed in this room have felt their hands being gently touched and have felt kisses upon their cheeks. All have agreed that she seems to be a very friendly spirit.
Main Town Square - a lady once pregnant that had committed a crime. Her hanging was postponed until she had the baby. When she finally had the baby, it was taken away and she was hanged. You can see her wandering through the square crying . if you go up to her she will think you have the baby and will follow you through the square.
Ogalthorpe House - It is a college dorm and water has turned on several times, a girl once tape recorded the sounds of her room after things were being rearranged when she left, and she heard only the door shut when she left and then shortly after there were noises of things moving. And there have been whispers in people's ears when they try to sleep at night. Others report the most famous place is in front of room 600 and/or 601. The place in front of the rooms is where a girl jumped and committed suicide years before, thus if you go there now the place has Plexiglas all round half of floor 6. And in room 416 where thing such as a stool scrapping across the floor above and a marble dropping and rolling.
Piccadilly - Haunted by a ghost named "Gracie". In the yellow fever epidemic the restaurant used to be a hotel in the 1800's. Gracie the daughter of the owner died at age seven. She has haunted in the downstairs bathrooms and you can often feel chills in the air.
Pirate's House Restaurant - Pirate Captain Flint haunts this place. And also 12 people from the Ghost Chasing Society of America stayed there for two nights, in the second floor of the restaurant. Two of them were the only ones at the end of the two days.
Savannah College of Art & Design Oglethorpe House - Residents saw on numerous occasions the ghost of a little girl, who they believed to be the famous Gracie Watkins of Bonaventure Cemetery because of it's similar appearance to the statue. The ghost was seen at night running away & down a hall & turning a corner, kut of sight; she has been seen entering rooms & and has been spotted looking at the resident’s clothes in the closet. They also report hearing whispers, & seeing the transparent girl kneeling beside their bed.
Savannah College of Art Weston House - A dorm for the Savannah College of Art and Design which was formerly the Savannah Weston Hotel. It is located on 231 West boundary St. and is one of the various areas of Savannah where civil war battles were fought. The old railroad also ran adjacent to it. At all times of the day students hear tapping on the walls, furniture moving in empty rooms, and a singing girl. There have been rare occasions of physical contact, in which students have reported being touched or grabbed. Sightings are more rare, but they have been experienced.
Savannah River - The woman known as The Waving Girl, Florence Martus, was immortalized in a statue on the Savannah River for her habit of waving a cloth or towel from the land as a helpful signal to boats coming in. The statue depicts her waving with a large dog sitting next to her. Many times the stone cloth has been seen waving as if in the wind. It also is said to be haunted by a ghost boy who broke little children and animals necks. It is said he was hung near the river. On calm, autumn, under a full moon you can see him walking looking for victims.
The Old Colonial Cemetery - Their have been numerous hauntings seen one is wear a couple was seen walking/floating in the graveyard after it was closed the couple was decapitated ad was missing their arms from the elbow down. (There are graves from before the civil war)
The Old Pink House Restaurant and Tavern -This popular tavern is said to be haunted by its builder, General Habersham. He often appears in the basement, which is now the tavern. However, he has sometimes been known to walk among guests in the upstairs dining room dressed in his full General uniform.
The Telfair Museum - Is haunted by its former owner. She is said to roam the house keeping people from doing what they shouldn't do. If you smoke a cigarette in the house or sit on the wrong chair, you can hear here footsteps coming at you on the marble floors.
The Old Telfair Hospital - Supposedly Mary Telfair also haunts this former ladies hospital. Says she roams the halls in a brown dress. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 22308 ( Click here )
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