I sit here, the night before my two-year anniversary ((Got too excited to wait to post tomorrow, hehe>. It’s amazing how two years can seem like a lifetime. USM is it’s own little world, in every single way. The only thing missing is a currency system, which I’d rather not have. ~_^ There are jobs, such as being Admins, Chat monitors, and tag makers. Everyone here has their own job, some make you laugh, some try to make you think, and some teach you new things, etc. We all play an important role on this site, without even trying. There are so many people that I have met through my journey of USM and I love them all for all the times we’ve had. Every single one of you has made a difference in my life on my road to being a better person. I may not always comment, but I read 90% of the posts that are sent in at least. When I’m feeling down, I can count on all of you to cheer me up, unintentionally sometimes, just by reading your posts.
When I first came here, I was all, “POST POST! COMMENT COMMENT!!!!” Lol, I was young and happy just to be apart of a message board of all ages where I can say anything (G rated of course. ;) ) and get comments. I was 12 at the time I joined. Now, I know its more than a message board, and it isn’t all about getting comments. It’s the pleasure of being able to express yourself in a world where you can escape when things get tight and iffy. As I look back at my old posts, I honestly and truly laugh, I don’t see how you guys would deal with me. Hehe, of course, I’m just critical to myself, I don’t think I was THAT bad.
All I can hope is that USM will be here always, where I can live in a new world for hours reading interesting posts and expressing myself. Thank you for USM, and for all your contributions guys!!! I never stick with ANYTHING, and if I stick with something for two years, boy, it’s gotta be something good, and it truly is.
Love *hugs*,
~*Jackie*~ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61811 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .