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A Foster Paranting Nightmare...need input.....Souldrifter

  Author:  30747  Category:(Discussion) Created:(8/8/2004 5:49:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1257 times)

About 5 years ago my sister had to have a hysterectomy and there went her dreams of having any children, so her and her husband decided to become foster parants with hopes of adopting. They became foster parants of a 12 year old girl about 3 years ago and adopted her a year later. They all live out of state (ohio) but we did get to meet Sara (the foster child) before the adobtion. She seemed like a nice enough girl. She was a typical 12 year old pushing the limit but respectful when corrected. When the adoption went through, my sister was in her glory. Finally she had a child to raise as her own. But then the problems began.

My sister and her husband decided they wanted to add to their family so they took in another child, a 7 year old boy. They all came up for a week of vacation and I spent some time with her and her new family. It was obvious my sister loved this little boy very much and wanted to adopt him badly. It was also obvious she was having trouble with Sara to the point of almost having a nervous breakdown. Aparently Sara was starting to behave inappropriately with her husband and this little boy. Sara was sexually abused as a small child and heaven knows what else went on in her young life, but it was no excuse for the change in her. It was obvious to even me that this little girl (who wasn't so little by the way) was trying to take over my sisters role as wife and mother in this family. My sister related to us that Sara was also making threats to kill my sister and she found out recently that Sara had become sexually active with a 9 1/2 year old boy. She was almost 14 by this time.

My sister told Sara's case worker all about this and ended up taking her too 4 different psychiatrists to get her straighted out but things got worse. The psychiatrists only suggested more tolarance of this 14 year old girl who had "had a hard life". In the mean time my sister took in two more children, girls aged 8 and 10. Sara became obsessive and jealous and sometimes violent. The police were called at least 4 times and took her away. Still, the psychiatrists and the case worker were of no help. My sister lived in fear of her life. She told them she did not want this girl back in her house. She would do things like rub her breasts against my sisters husband and touch the other children sexually. She would even snear at my sister and say someday she would be dead and she would be "daddy's" wife. I didn't witness any of this but my mother saw more than enough when she went to visit. It was all more than my sister could take but for some reason no one would help her or believe her. Sara had a way of coming off as the poor victum and everyone else was lieing. It was more likely that no one wanted to deal with this troubled girl and left my sister with all the responsibility because she had adopted her.

Finally Sara was put in a half way house because of one of her violent episodes and she is supposed to be there for probubly a year. This gave my sister some breathing room but Sara has been making horrible acusations about my sisters husband. I'm sure you can imagine with a mind like this what those acusations are. She also claimed that she witnessed him being "sexual" with the other children. I have to be honest and say I'm not sure what the truth is. If I were ever called to testify to anything I would have to tell them a few things I know...things my sister doesn't even know...about him.

One time, when they were thinking about becoming foster parants, I had a conversation with him online in which he told me several legal ages of consents for different places. He realated his surprice that in some places it was as low as 9 years old. I have absolutely no idea why he would check out that information but it bothered me a great deal. You see, I had always noticed his interest in younger girls. I have caught his staring at them, following them and even cornering them in the case of my young nieces. I discussed this with other family memebers who noticed it too. We came to the conclusion that he was strange but maybe it was just a fascination and nothing he would act on. But to be honest again, I had never seen him show any interest in Sara that way when I did see them. At the very least I have a strong suspicion that he gave Sara the wrong impression. It's also interesting to note in this case that he failed his paranting course a year ago yet they continued to let children go to this house.

My sister, on the other hand, loves children and is very good with them. She would never let a child be hurt by anyone. But I wonder if she lives in denial because she defends her husband as if it were impossible that he would even think that way. To make a long story shorter...The county took back the little boy my sister wanted so badly to adopt. They say that in the light of all that is going on, they don't think it's wise to continue with the my sister and her husband being foster parants. It was heart breaking for my sister and she is probubly still crying. The other two girls will be going shortly.

I talked to my sister yesterday about it all. She is heart broken that she will probubly never have a family now and she's blaming it all on Sara. Grant it, Sara is messed up and I'm not sure I can believe anything she says. On the other hand I have a suspicion about her husband that nags at me but I can't say anything to my sister about it. She doesn't need that from me right now. The other girls are being taken away partly because her husband made the mistake of opening a beer up in front of the case worker and made him look incompitant. Apartently these other girls came from an alcohol abuse home and it just didn't make him look good. It was stupid on his part and this is a guy I've NEVER seen drink before.

There are alot more details to this. It would make an interesting Movie of the Week on lifetime. The most interesting and damning part to all this is my sister just recently found out that Sara had tryed to pull the same stunts at least 2 other foster homes before she got her yet no one warned her or said anything about it. AND they aren't taking my sister seriously even given the past history. It sounds to me like they just want to unload this troubled girl onto my sister and wash their hands of her. But this girl is literally distroying my sisters life. My sister just may end up dead. I don't know if my brother in law is guilty of anything but stupididty. I honestly don't and I have seen first hand that there is something emotionally and pshycologically wrong with Sara in an almost evil way. (at a family gathering over a year ago she told my step daughter she was pregnant with her fathers child)

I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows what recourse my sister has in all of this. She does not want Sara back in her life but because of the adoption, she is responsible for her. She is afaid she will never get to adopt any more children because of all of this. And if anyone out there has any suggestions or experiance in this, I would love to hear from you.

Sorry so long.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 8/8/2004 6:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 62739    Tragic. The police needed to be called. The caseworkers, and medical professionals would not have allowed this to happen. If they really did your sis should have filed criminal charges against them. Several lives have just been thrown away because of non-commital individuals who took on a job, and sorrowfully failed in their responsability.  
Date: 8/8/2004 6:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 58308    Very sad situation indeed. Most of the time, when you foster a child, that means the child came from some terrible background for if not, they wouldn't be in government care - foster care - taken from parents... for whatever reason. 9.5 times out of 10, that foster child will suffer from some, if not all, traits or illnesses the biological parents have. Normally, when you have a child that has been abused in any way by the parents, that child more than likely will act out the same roles when s/he becomes an adult. The only thing your sister will be able to do if Sara comes back to her house is document eveyday somewhere (in a diary - it does hold up in the court of law) and file unruly child. I hate that this has happened to your sister, such a tragedy. *shakes head*  
Date: 8/8/2004 6:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    Unfortunately this seems to happen alot. My Aunt adopted three children many years ago..Two boys and one girl. The little girl and one of the boys were biological Brother and Sister from an Indian nation not far from where they lived. They came from a very abusive home. Well the little girl was fine for the first little while. She was six when they adopted her. By the time she was 12 she was doing some pretty nasty things, including coming onto her adoptive Father and adoptive Brother (not the bio brother though). My Aunt tried many times to get her taken care of to no avail..Noone seemed to want to help..Especially some little Indian kids...pretty sad..By the time Bonnie was 15 she was making death threats to my Aunt. One night she woke up to Bonnie standing over the bed with a butcher knife in her hand. Apparently she had taken to sleeping with a knife under her pillow. Bonnie was sent to a Juvenile detention center and my Aunt and Uncle wiped their hands of her..They could do nothing with her. I dont know where Bonnie is now though..My Aunt passed away a few years ago. I know the boys are still with my Uncle, although they are both grown now. They are very devoted to my Uncle.  
Date: 8/8/2004 6:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 27705    Wow this is traqgic aqnd heartbreaking. Have you asked the medical professionals anything she might have said during one of her times with them? If so maybe that could help in this whole mess. It's sad that one girl has the power to mess up your sister, her husband and any foster childrens lives. I am in hopes this shall improve...peace and love Regina  
Date: 8/8/2004 7:52:00 AM  From Authorid: 23796    Actually, Sexual abuse is the WHY this girl Sara is doing what she does. Most people take for granted that Sexually abused kids, although abused, still understand and respect normal boundries people have that come from normal life styles. Sexual abuse goes WAYYYY beyond that and their thinking patterns are VERY different as well as their moral code. Sexual Boundries are BIG and I Stress ***BIG*** problem issues for sexually abused children. There are flaws in the system in not informing parents but it should have been refered for this girl to get counseling all along. It doesn't surprise me thta the sexual misconduct happened after the boy came into the home. It's not unusual and it acutally happens quite often. Sexually abused girls often see sexual innappropriateness as showing signs of affection, because that is how affection was shown to them by the men in their lives. Your sister needs to research a lot about Sexual abuse and various treatments and make a decision on what treatment she feels is best for sarah BEFORE looking for a Therapist. If you don't know what your looking for in a therapist, its rather like going to a Prediatrist for a Sinus problem. You sister also needs to interview these therapists on how many adolescent youth they treat and how many of those youth are Incest and sexual abuse survivors. Finding a good therapist is like finding a good Babysitter. As for the husband, something isn't right. And no offense to your sister, these kids come from traumatic backgrounds and deserve a safe place where they do not relive the trauma or are not further tramatized. If he isn't fit, they shouldn't be there. If she wants these children, he needs to shape up. She can't have them if he's like that, plain and simple. It is disturbing that he is asking sexual age of concent. He shouldn't even be wondering that question. YOur sister needs to have Estabilished boundries of appropriate and inappropriate behavior for Sarah. Make it in print and signed by the Daughter. It also helps if the daughter is able to help make the contract, so she feels it is more binding. Before I became an at home mother, my career was working with Children in Foster homes & boarding houses. Most of the kids have dual diagnois' such as alcohol and drug. So I am speaking by experience. Sarah is not to blame if she is NOT made aware of the rules that should be there. And Sarah is not to blame for all of this situation. And to be truthful, a child cannot be held to blame for a situation that should be controlled by Adults. But that is just M/O.  
Date: 8/8/2004 9:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    This whole thing is a big mess! I dont know what to tell you. Yep this could be a movie of the week. I guess you could look on line and see what one could do with the child as far as fileing for imansipation *sp* or some sort of seperation? I just dont know. Your sister is in my prayers and sorry from just the few things you said about the husband, one can only hope that your sister sees it, and finds another husband, perhaps a man with children? I don't know I just have a un easy feeling about your sisters husband.  
Date: 8/8/2004 10:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 62842    The abuse does have a lot to do with the girl's behavior. I hope things get worked out for the good of all in this situation.~
Date: 8/8/2004 11:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 31255    I think Lady Shaman said it best. This girl needs to be in some kind of weekly therapy by someone who has a lot of experience dealing with these types of children. I think if you try and put your mind in the shoes of the child and not treat her as a disturbed child, but a child that is acting out in ways she only knows how you might find more results. This child is obviously is lacking a lot in her life. I am sure she has issues of feeling unloved and doesn't know how to please her parents expect for trying to act the way she has pleased adults in the past. She probably sees the mother as a threat because she is taking the only role that girl understands. The girl is crying out for attention, approval and love in the only ways she understands. I am sure dealing with this situation is not easy, but I don't think anything is going to get better until someone tries to see this girl from the inside and not by her actions which she thinks is appropriate.  
Date: 8/8/2004 12:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 62682    This is a very sad story. I am very sorry to hear of all the hearts that are breaking. Your sisters family and the children are in my prayers that it will work out for the better!

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