What's up?
LPF = Linkin Park Fan (remember me?) or not.
I left rather suddenly awhile ago, but I am back, looking forward to posting, reading, replying and meeting new people.
Well loads of things have happened since I last was here, let's see.
I *ahem* GRADUATED!!!!!!!! hahaha, with honours (nice, nice).
Yup, I walked the walk, wore the gown, wore the cap, tossed the cap, took the pictures, said the goodbyes. I graduated, feels great. It's bittersweet. Only when this period in life ends, I truly appreciate high-school life, and the people and teacher's I've met.
Also Graduated with honours. I don't feel so smart though.
I went to Bali (post-graduation) seniors, only trip. Was tons of fun,
My friends and I planned this months ahead, as a post-graduation celebration. It was loads of fun, from rafting, parasailing, surfing (well attempting to), swimming, water-parks, clubbing, live-bands, hard-rock-cafe. It was a blast.
I turned 18 (and over here) and now legal for drinking *grins*
Yes, July 16th, I am no longer a "minor" - full-fledged A-D-U-L-T!! *grins*
I got a J-o-B!!
Since I'm not going straight off to University, I got myself a job, at this restaurant, the pay's alright (ok, it's not great, but it's a job). Working hours are alright. It's just something to earn some cold-hard-*ca-ching* $$$.
I saw LINKIN PARK LIVE here in Singapore, which was G-R-E-A-T.
Yes, they FINALLY came down here, in all the years. And me out of all people would not have missed it for the world. The ticket prices were a joke thought $150, $250 V.I.P -- *rolls-eyes*
I'm hoping to change my alias, as I am now equally a Linkin Park/ Hoobastank Obssesor :P which coincidently are coming down here (in Singapore) August 14th, which I will 110% be going.
Well *waves*
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .