Aurora arrived at Jessi’s house after suppertime and found herself snatched up in the hands of Jessi & Led up to the bedroom upstairs.
“Come on, come on…nothing to see here!” she said on a laugh as she led Aurora to her bedroom.
When Aurora stepped inside, she could see all the lights were off and there were about a dozen multi-colored and shaped candles lit. You could tell Jess grabbed all candles she could get a hold of. In the center of the room floor laid the Ouija board, surrounded by a bunch of puffy pillows.
“Sorry I didn’t have any candles. My parents never really let me have any.”
“That’s okay, I had plenty. Wow! What a cool Ankh!” States Jessi as she looks at the necklace around Aurora’s neck.
It wasn’t a very pricey peace. It was an Ankh with a yin-yang symbol in the middle and she put it on a black and white beaded necklace a friend had given her. The Ankh in itself was given to her by her next-door neighbor. She said it suited her and she thought she might like it when she saw it in the store.
“Thanks, it was given to me.” Replied Aurora in a somewhat distracted tone, looking down at the board.
“We are going to have so much fun! I was just finishing up with Danny!”
“Who’s Danny?” Asked Aurora, somewhat puzzled.
“Danny’s the spirit I’ve had contact with on the board. I’ve been talking to him for about a week now.”
Aurora felt a little unease at this news. If she remembered right, you were not supposed to use the board alone. Especially if you were new at it.
“So I’m guessing Danny is dead, right? Did he tell you how he died?”
“He said he was murdered and that his body was never found. It’s locked in a trunk of a vehicle somewhere where there is running water. That’s all he’s been able to say so far. Cool ain’t it?!”
Aurora Laughed, it was hard not to catch some of Jessi’s enthusiasm and curiosity. Regardless, she still felt a sense of Ill at ease over “Danny” and her using the board alone.
“So what do we do?” Asked aurora as she set herself down on one end of the board.
“We start by moving the placette around the board and ask a spirit to come and talk to us. You’ll be able to feel a pull on the placette. Keep your fingers on it lightly, the spirit will take over then.”
Aurora and Jessi spent about ten minutes trying to bring a spirit to the board. No spirit was making contact. Then for some reason, a whispered thought entered into Aurora’s head.
**Put blood on the Eye, the sacrifice will make them come**
“Maybe if we put blood on the eye of the placette they will come, you know, like a sacrifice to show dedication or something…” Aurora said to Jessi, not really knowing where the whispered thought came from.
“Good Idea!” Replied Jessi, reaching under her bed to grab a small sewing kit filled with Thread, fabric, and needles.
Jessi passed the needle first to Aurora.
“You go first, since you are the one who thought of it.”
Pricking her finger, Aurora was the first to put the blood on the eye of the placette. Jessi followed the action.
“While we are at it and the blood is still flowing, we might as well become blood sisters!” Jessica said on a laugh. Both she and Aurora laughed as the pressed their fingers together, blood melding with each other, sealing some sort of silent pact. What the girls didn’t know, was that the pact they were making was not the pact they were expecting.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .