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He Wont Leave Me Alone--UPDATE!! ~*Got Bubbles?*~

  Author:  49091  Category:(Discussion) Created:(7/22/2004 11:59:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1135 times)

Hey everyone, theres this guy I go to skool with. Well we started talking as friends when our teacher sat us next to eachother. He knew that I was really really into another guy, whos my current bf. Well, then he started e-mailing me cause everyone in the class had everyone elses e-mail addys that we made in class. Well I didnt wanna blow him off, so I replied. Friendly convo like hows your week doing? Did the JV team win their game? Good luck etc. Well he had asked me out n I didnt see him as more then a friend, so I told him that, and I know that NO guys wants to hear that, but I wasnt gonna date him if I wasnt into him. Well we continued to talk in class n stuff till he got just TOO close for me. Trying to hold my hand, rubbing my back, tuching my arms n my hair, thats when I was like "look, I dont want you touching me like that. It makes me uncomfortable." and he was like aight n didnt do it, but then he started following me n would ALWAYS be there when I turned around. Meeting me outside my classes, walking me places, even though I told him I was fine n could do it on my own. Still, didnt get it. Well FINALLY skool ended and he said he wasnt going to be coming back. That was a relief for me.

Well then my friend had a pool party and you guessed it, he was there!! And you guessed it again, I was in my swim suit and already self concious about myself. So I was like its ok sarah, just have fun. Well I did, till he tried to like touch my legs n stuff n I was like no, dont touch me. And he STILL didnt get it! So I got outta the pool n wrapped my towel around me n sat way away from him. Well finally the party was over n I got away from him.

Or so I thought!! I got an e-mail lil less then 3 weeks ago and he said "Hey hottie, I just wanted to know if you have a bf. If you dont, and want one, call me!" and left him number. So to get him to stop e-mailing me, I was like "yeah actually I do." (wasnt lieing) and just tonight he e-mailed me back and wrote some stuff that didnt bug me....except for the "I love you-Your Boi, *Tim*" He KNOWS I only spell boy as "boi" if the guy I like isnt my bf, but we are "close". So I wrote him back and was like "Look, *Tim*, I really really dont appreciate you e-mailing me, and talking to me like I'm your gf. I dont mean to sound like a *ahem* but Your not my boi. Please stop. I dont like you hitting on me."

I dont want to be a meanie, but he's REALLY getting on my nerves!! I dont know how to get him to go away without hurting his feelings :-(

Got Bubbles?


He msged me again and I just told him right out, I love my bf to death. We've talked about getting married and living the rest of our lives together and we both have the "the one" feeling for eachother n I dont want you to keep bugging me. And he said "Wow,hes the one for you and your the one for me." I dont want to break his heart, but I told him :-( "Im sorry, but you dont have a chance with me. I dont want to sound like a totally crule and evil person, but whatelse do you want me to say?" And he like spilled his heart to me...I dont think it registerd to him :-(

PS-My bf doenst live here :-( ;-( *tear*

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Date: 7/23/2004 12:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 26452    Well, after all that you're nicer then I would have been. I'm nice and everything, until they just don't get that I have a boyfrend and I'm not going to be cheating on him anytime soon. If he doesn't stop, I'd let your boyfriend have a nice "chat" with him lol.  
Date: 7/23/2004 12:43:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 49091    Thanx so much sweetie!!! *huggs* I'll do that :-)  
Date: 7/23/2004 1:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 11348    I think you handled it well! If he still keeps bugging you, stop replying to all his emails and try to avoid him. Tell him if you have to talk to him, that since he can't accept that you're taken, it'd be better off if the two of you didn't talk. I've known some people like that and it really does get pretty annoying after a while. Sometimes you do have to hurt their feelings... it's the only way they'll understand sometimes. Moon Angel has a good idea too, in letting your bf talk to him.  
Date: 7/23/2004 1:24:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 49091    Thanx Kritter...Im afraid to tell him about this guy cause last time I told him about this one guys hitting on me, we didnt talk much for like 2 days...it was awful :-( He was soooooooo upset at this other guy :-(  
Date: 7/23/2004 1:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 56840    Yep, if it's a prob with boyfriends and you've got one, tell your boyfriend the business, tell him it's been going on for a while and you've been trying to STOP it, but that he's been inordinately persistant. Ask him nicely to go tell the guy to bug off of you. If he still bugs you when school starts, go ahead and tell a teacher or school councelor you've been having recurring problems with him.. He could be sexually harrassing you...I'm saying this in all seriousness. It sounds like he doesn't know when to stop. Some people never learn when to stop. Good luck..  
Date: 7/23/2004 1:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 26452    Try telling him not to get upset(because, I think, he really should know wether you're handling it yourself or not). I had problems with a guy not getting the hint, let my boyfriend talk to him, and all of the sudden,the guy wouldn't even dare look at me lol.  
Date: 7/23/2004 1:53:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 49091    Thanx so much guys!!! Im about to UPDATE this post cause he msged me again with some shocking news :-(  
Date: 7/23/2004 2:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 26452    I would try telling him, that if he loves you as much as he claims to, then he needs to learn to be just friends with you, and stop hitting on you, because its hurting you, and if he loves you,he'll understand that you're boyfriend is what makes you happy,and him doing this is upsetting you. Maybe the old "if you really love me, you'll leave me alone" thing will work.  
Date: 7/23/2004 2:12:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 49091    Thanx sooooooo much MA!! *huggs* Im starting to think that thats what Im gonna have to do. Cause this is just not registering this this guys head. Im tellin him im happy and that I dont want him around yet hes still here *sighs* guys!!! eerrrrr *huggs* thanx again>>  
Date: 7/23/2004 2:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 26452    You can't blame him lol most teen age guys aren't well known for their intellegence  
Date: 7/23/2004 2:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 53558    I think it is time to hurt his feelings. I know it is not a very nice thing to do, but it is necessary. I do hope all goes well...(",)..  
Date: 7/23/2004 4:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 58308    hmmm... not a good thing when someone's bothering you that you have no interest in. you may have to just get really ugly with him, there;s no way around it sometimes. i hope you get it all worked out soon! *smiles*  
Date: 7/23/2004 5:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 62146    awhile back someone was following me around they told some girl I was their girlfriend and stuff. I know what you mean by you do not want to be a meanie but it is getting anoying. well in my case he backed out he just did not realise we are freinds and he dose not any more. in this case here he is kinda getting a bit obsessed. moon angel has sugessted your boyfriend have a nice chat with him just depends how much of a temper your boyfriend has. listen you really have to tell himto back off if he is not listning get your boyfriend to do it it will shock him. if he is not listening then just do not reply to his E-mails. you've told him how you feel if it is not getting to him then so be it.  
Date: 7/23/2004 6:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 62766    OMG thats weird I had the same problem EXACTLY with a guy named tim and he would Hound the hell out of me I had a BF and everything. Tim was rican and he would type in boi also. I couldnt get rid of him AT all he would call my house IM me all the time and I dont know how it stopped but it just did  
Date: 7/23/2004 8:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 8278    i also was goingto say you are handling it better than i would. lol it sounds like you are being as resonable as possible with him. it isn't your fault if he doesnt get the point. sometimes you have to be very blunt to get your point across. not necessarily RUDE...but BLUNT. and it sounds like you are doing that. my best advice would be to ignore him. do not respond to any e-mails or phone calls or anything. if he doesn't get the point after that, explain to him that what he is doing is harrassment and you dont need or deserve it. if he really cared for you, he would respect your wishes and leave you alone. best of luck to you  
Date: 7/23/2004 9:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 53284    Now, you just need to stop replying to his emails and/or phone calls. If he persists, you may need to look into getting a restraining order against him. He certainly doesn't seem to be getting the hint.  
Date: 7/23/2004 9:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 24003    Boys can be sooo annoying at that age. You need to have NO contact with him whatsoever. Dont answer his calls, emails, messages..anything. If he continues to try to contact you, then he has a serious problem and you need to get someone else involved. Take care.  
Date: 7/23/2004 8:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 49091    Thanx so much everyone!! *huggs* I didnt respond to his e0\-mail last night, so he flodded my inbox with e-mails and finally said "I guess ur in bed, im gone for the weekend. I love you." But I changed my msg on my cell fone so it says u've reached ###-####, leave a msg. But a computer says it. So i thought I had him gone for the weekend. WRONG! he called me at 8:30am and I didnt know the munber so I was like "hello?" n hes like "sarah! Its *TIM* I wanted to talk to you before I left!" so I just told him, cause not only was I only in bed for 3 hours before he called, but I was SLEEPING! So I was like *TIM*! LOOK! Dont call me, dont msg me, dont e-mail me! I have a bf so leave me the alone already!! n I hung up on him. Hopefully he'll get the picture...But now I feel like I was really a mean person to him.  

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