I had to think about this for a while after reading Hey, Hey Paula's challenge. As far as those who have shaped my life and are my heros go, well, first to come to mind were my parants, of course. Then all the other relatives and people I have been close to throughout my life. But I got to thinking about the "unsung" heros I've come across. The ones that not even I realized I admired until I thought about it. Some of my former highschool classmates. Kids I went from gradeschool to graduation with.
Debra Spencer...Skinny acne ridden shy girl who brought embarrassment upon herself by getting pregnant in 11th grade. Today...County legislator.
Randy West...Very poor, awkward and unambitious young man. Today...millionaire bowling champ.
Ronald Spicer...Never heard him speak two words in 11 years of classes. Picked on by jocks for being so quiet. Today...Successful Real Estate Agent.
Lori Anderson...5'11" and very overweight. Got picked on and shunned by all the guys. Suffered much embarrasement for her size. Today...Gorgeous local stage actress and author.
Scott Brown....Tormented for being "on the feminine side". Outcasted by every male in my highschool. (this was the 70s) Angry young man. Today...Gay and darn proud of it. Owns a day spa with his partner catering messages to a lot of the guys who beat him up way back when.
Mellisa Overton...Girl most likely to end up on welfare. (unofficial) Not very bright, having "lose" morals (rumored) Skipped all her classes to make out with her boyfriend. Today...Owns and operates a popular restaurant with her husband of 25 years (her highschool sweetie), nice home in the country, 3 wonderful kids and the first female deacon of the church she has attended her whole life.
There are many others I could mention. People who now make me stop and think. All of these people held a soft spot in my heart all those years ago for the torment, abuse and embarrasement they indured. My highschool years were nothing like theirs and yet I have not turned out half as successful as they have. It's a testiment to courage and perseverance dispite odds. They are my hero's.
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