Date: 7/21/2004 10:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 24003
I understand how you feel. Words can sometimes be more painful than someone beating your butt. Its a mind over matter thing. If you choose to forgive that person, you have to let it go. Im not saying that its not going to hurt when you think about it...of course it will, but you have to MAKE yourself let it go. Its hard I know  |
Date: 7/21/2004 10:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 36704
People say things when they're angry that sometimes that don't mean or shouldn't have siad but because they were angry their emotions took over and they lashed out so I can usually forgive things people say while angry. How you forgive them or work through it is up to you if you even can, everyone's different.  |
Date: 7/21/2004 11:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 53558
People say thing when they are upset that are not really meant...(",)..  |
Date: 7/21/2004 11:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 25828
it's possible to forgive them but not to forget it. the problem is, when someone is angry, that's when their true feelings come out. been there, done that. though they might truly feel bad for having said it, you heard the truth.  |
Date: 7/22/2004 4:24:00 AM
From Authorid: 16000
forgive and foget unless this is something that constently happens then u need to rethink who ur friends are |
Date: 7/22/2004 8:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 23796
I feel the same way as Heather. Sometimes it helps to confront the issue with the person that said the hurtful thing. Ask why they said such a thing...if they say they don't remember daying that...then ask possibly why would they say such a thing, ask them to think on it, why might that come out when they're angry...etc. Deal with the issues & yes, this could work even if they state they DON'T remember it.  |
Date: 7/22/2004 10:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 59418
Even If it was someone i loved, i would probably not forgive them completely for it, because every so often it would pop back into my head and make me feel bad...i guess you just have to try and put it behind you and move on....People say a lot of things they don't mean when they are angry....*big hugs*  |