Life without sugar is like life without air.Yes! Gasp for breath you sugarless worms! ~~~~~~~ I need a pickle....and some I can make choclate pickle! O.o *munch* Mmmmmmmmmm......suprizingly good....Lose yourself in a choclate pickle... ~~~~~~~~ Life is like a pinata, take a chance and wack it! ~~~~~~~~ "No! Put that down! Omg, *crash*, no, that was $100! Not on the couch! No, that's a white couch! No!" In case you can't tell, I'm babysitting. (By: SadLiLGnoMe156) ~~~~~~~~ Hi I am sorry but I am babysitting little brats at the momment(ugh) but maybe I will invite you to the party I will be holding at their house once they fall asleep (By: Dancechic ~~~~~~~~ I'm living the single most horrifying night of my life, little demons are going to torment me with constant howling, and screaming, they will throw strange hanffulls of unknown goop at me and the $600 white sofa. This may also be called 'babysitting (By: SadLiLGnoMe156) ~~~~~~~~~~ Away Message of the Moment Category: Annoying Message: I know a song that gets on everybodys nerves, everybodys nerves, everybodys nerves,i know a song that gets on everybodys nerves and this is how it goes! I know a song that gets on everybody nerves, everybodys nerves, everybodys nerves, i know a song that gets on everybodys nerves and this is how it goes... Submitted By: Punkkc13 Search
BabySitting Away Messages Sort by: Newest áâ Ranking áâ Votes áâ I,m not here right now because I am wacking, I mean....putting my little brother to bed..when no one is home..just him and me..hehehe 2.7/5 (28 votes) Submitted by: ¤¤~* *~¤¤ Hey cant talk, I got to little brats on my hand, called my brother and sister! I CANT BELIEVE IM NOT GETTING PAID for THIS! 2.7/5 (56 votes) Submitted by: Cutisedevil66 Screaming..Shouting..Yelling..Fighting..Make it stop! *In other words...I'm babysitting BBL 2.7/5 (29 votes) Submitted by: Maddie Giles! Hurting...I mean watching the brats from next’s a dirty job but someone has gotta do it. 2.7/5 (23 votes) Submitted by: LaurenM. Top things not to do while babysitting: Don't invite your boyfriend over and makeout with him, when the kids aren't sleeping and they tell there mom and dad everything, and when the parents did say when they would be home because they could walk in on you. Don't use the phone for hours just in case the parents walk in on you or they are trying to call to say they are going to be late or to tell you that you can go home for some odd reason. Wow I never relized I could go on and on.. but prolly because im sitting here online while I should be watching the kids... o yeah thats prolly another reason (By: somebodyudontknow) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62740 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .