I gotta vent people! lol.. Thanks for reading :D
Okay, as most of you know I'm 12. I dont hang out with no more than 4 people in my grade just because I can't STAND immature people at ALL! I'm nice to everyone even though sometimes you just wanna scream at them! lol So, a lot of my friends are going to highschool or they're goin got be the "top dawgs" of jr. high.. lol So I guess some of the younger kids look up to us.
Well, one girl, Courtney, acts like an obsessed GUY who LOVES me and my friend Morgan! Morgan is going to 9th and was the sweetheart of our jr. high and is like SO beautiful, why wouldn't someone look up to her? lol Morgan also babysits Courtney's little brother. Courtney is going to 6th grade but acts like she's going to 3rd..
Me and Courtney only talk online, we've never met in person but she calls me her big sister. I mean, on USM it's different because I have actual CONVERSATIONS with you! But Courtney, we say "hey" "hey" and that's about it until she starts whining because i'm not talking to her. And then the conversations are about how I spent time with Morgan the night before and she didn't. (I know it's mean but she'll always ask when the last time I saw Morgan was so I tell her! lol)
Well, we kinda have a little "group." That does things together... and that would be me, morgan, kellen, and lyndon. Courtney is CONSTANTLY inviting herself to go places with us! I make excuses, I tell her I dont think she could get a ride, I try ANYTHING to not hurt her feelings! But she's kinda obsessed.. in her profile, she has like 4 pages that just for ME! We've only talked between 10 and 20 times! She leaves IM's all over my away msg's telling me to call her! I would have NO problem with this if she wasn't annoying and I knew she'd actually talk instead of just using my phone call on her caller ID to show all her little friends that she called.. when i tell her I dont wanna call she starts whining and tells me she's crying and I've forever hurt her feelings.. PA-LEASE!
She now has Lyndon and Kellen's screen names and drive them insane too! Different people have told me she tells them we're her BEST friends and that she goes places with us all the time! Whatever! lol Gosh, I just wish she could find some friends of her own and leave us alone! Morgan complains all the time because Courtney keeps trying to get her to call! Morgan said she would tell Courtney to please leave her alone because she's only 11 and Morgan is about to turn 15 and doesn't need a WHINEY little kid she barely even knows hanging around BUT then we thought it over and realized we wouldn't want Courtney to commit suicide! And I'm not joking about that.. she probably would! lol She emails me every single day and when I dont email her back ONCE she hits the roof! Before SHE goes to sign off she'll say "okay I gotta go I LOVE YOU CADY!!" and then tell me to email her and when I tell her i'm busy she starts to whine and say "Thanks a lot.. I'm in trouble now" Girl, it's YOUR fault if YOU wanna wait for me to email you! lol
Well, I'm sorry I wrote so much but I guess there was a lot more to the story than I thought!
Love ya, Xo CaDy OX You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52337 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .