I know, I whine and complain quite a bit and ask for advice a lot, especially about my mate who you know as Chaz.
Well, at the start of the last week of school (2 weeks ago) he got into a really huge fight with one of the guys in his grade who evidently insulted him. We'll call him Phil. My friends and I were watching what was happening, so we heard them flame each other, then saw them start to physically fight. Phil hit first.
I don't know about my friends, but I wasn't able to do anything. I felt powerless except to watch.
As high school kids do, a few walked past, saw them, then ran around the school screaming "FIGHT AT THE ART BLOCK! FIGHT AT THE ART BLOCK!"
The deputy principal came around the corner just as Chaz was throwing a punch. Considering the circumstances (ie: the teacher witnessed Chaz hit Phil), Chaz was the first one to be pulled into the office.
The class after lunch, my friends and I were pulled out of class to write down what we witnessed. I don't think it helped though.
Phil got away without any consequences.
Chaz got suspended first week back at school (starting next Tuesday).
The seniors usually have their last class off, and that was the case with Chaz, and I knew he had a free period. But when I was told that Chaz was suspended, that would be the last time I would see him for a while.
The people he lives with go away every holidays, and Chaz planned to stay at his house and just do study, school work, hang out, whatever.
But I never saw him.
I went past his house last week, and all the curtains were drawn and his door was locked. No biggy, he's gone out. But I constantly tried to ring his house, go to his door, whatever.
On Wednesday night (just passed) my dad went out to the pub with his mates from work. At about 8pm, my doorbell started ringing.
So, doing what comes naturally when the doorbell rings, I answered it, and Chaz was standing opposite me.
He started having drug problems around the same time he saw the school counsellor, and has a couple of suicide attempts since then.
When I answered the door, Chaz looked completely stoned, but he could have been drunk. The first thing he did was look me in the eye and ask how long I had had purple eyes (I have green eyes). I asked him where he had been and tried to get through to him, to no avail. He wanted to come inside, but my dad was due home soon, so I told him to go home and walked him there.
He had his keys, and he was saying that they looked like light sabers or something of the sort. So I opened the door for him, and then he looked into my eyes again and asked again how long my eyes were purple.
I didn't want to leave. Would he be safe? Should I bring him back to my place and deal with my father when he came home? I thought I was doing the right thing. I'm not sure if I have though.
I don't know what came over me, but before he went inside I hugged him really tight and almost started crying. He is so thin!!! In three weeks he has lost so much weight, it's not funny. I turned some lights on, and he sat down on the lounge and I told him that I would see him tomorrow. He waved me off.
Then yesterday, I went to his place to check on him, but there was no answer.
I went back home and rang his house, and left a message on his machine telling him to ring me back.
Now, I know OF the person who is supplying him with the drugs he takes. I know her name, and that she gets them from somebody she works with. That's ALL. If I knew more, trust me, this wouldn't be happening right now.
I told my dad yesterday when he was sober again (he came home slightly drunk) and he said that Chaz should ring when he's awake. He didn't seem too concerned.
What should I do? Who should I ring? Should I wait for a call? What do I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated... I'm really worried but don't know how to act. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62552 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .