Reading 16
ATTAIN to utmost Emptiness. Cling single-heartedly to interior peace. While all things are stirring together, I only contemplate the Return. For flourishing as they do, each of them will return to its root. To return to the root is to find peace. To find peace is to fulfill one's destiny. To fulfill one's destiny is to be constant. to know the Constant is called Insight.
If one does not know the Constant, one runs blindly into disasters. If one knows the Constant, one can understand and embrace all. If one understands and embraces all, none is capable of doing justice. To be just is to be kingly; to be kingly is to be heavenly; to be heavenly is to be one with the Tao; to be one with the Tao is to abide forever. Such a one will be safe and whole even after the dissolution of his body.
Reading 17
THE highest type of ruler is one of whose existence the people are barely aware. Next comes one whom they love and praise. Next comes one whom they fear. Next comes on whom they despise and defy.
When you are lacking in faith, others will be unfaithful to you.
The Sage is self-effacing and the scanty of words. When his taks is accomplished and things have been completed, all the people say, "We ourselves have achieved it!" You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 27558 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .