Date: 7/9/2004 6:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 33925
Are you pregnant?? Sorry, had to ask..Is there any reason to believe that you COULD be pregnant??  |
Date: 7/9/2004 6:54:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55297
My last monthly was...the first full week of June.  |
Date: 7/9/2004 6:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 9509
Are you expecting??? How is your appetite?  |
Date: 7/9/2004 6:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 9509
Are you late?  |
Date: 7/9/2004 6:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 33925
So you are due to start soon, or you are late then? depending on how your cycles run..are you 21 days or 28?  |
Date: 7/9/2004 7:10:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55297
I checked my calender, the 5th was my start date. But I eat and eat and eat and eat until Im sure I cant eat anymore, and then I keep eating. Its like Im always hungry. But sometimes the thought of food makes me go, "Ughh" I;ve never thrown up though.  |
Date: 7/9/2004 7:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 33925
I would wait a few days and then take a are OBVIOUSLY late honey.  |
Date: 7/9/2004 7:27:00 PM
From Authorid: 49889
Sounds like you ARE pregnant...not that I;m an expert on the subject. A good friend of mine complained of relatively the same symptoms when she was pregnant. I would suggest that you take a test! Good luck!  |
Date: 7/9/2004 7:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 49037
That sounds alot like I felt when I was first pregnant... I was tired all the time, dizzy, was eating alot, but at the same time, sometimes the thought of food was icky. I was nauseous all the time. If you are late, and feeling all those things, I think you should get a pregnancy test, if it at all possible that you COULD be.  |
Date: 7/9/2004 7:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 28270
I was gonna say maybe your going to get your thing a little late or early or something... but it seems weird that you'd never experience that b4 when that time of the month comes. I really don't know. Looking at the other replies and although I have no clue if you've ever done anything I hope you are not pregnant!!!  |
Date: 7/9/2004 7:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 28270
Or it is possible you have a touch of the flu b/c sometimes I get like that when I don't feel well.  |
Date: 7/9/2004 9:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 55251
See a doctor, you can never be sure what it is untill you do , an old saying..Better to be safe then sorry Good Luck! Take Care,  |
Date: 7/9/2004 9:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 16671
Its does sound like your pregnant, but also it sounds like hypoglacmia. Or diabetes, *sp* IF your not pregnant, have them check you for that. Also, a persons thyroid can do that if its low.  |
Date: 7/10/2004 10:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 47218
HP, honestly, ANOTHER pregnancy scare? When are you going to start being more responsible for yourself? You seem like you aren't mature enough to handle the responsibilites of a sexual relationship.  |
Date: 7/10/2004 10:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
sounds a bit like my dad feels when his sugar is out of whack... ever been checked for diabetes??  |
Date: 7/11/2004 10:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 31048
Do you have an eating disorder? I used to have one and my stomach would constantly feel like that, like I'd swallowed a rock.  |
Date: 7/13/2004 1:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 62704
Oh god pregnancy was the first thing that came into my mind. Maybe you should have your doctor check you out. ~Chely~  |