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SHOULD boys have to do this if girls don't? Lizard-1

  Author:  62753  Category:(Debate) Created:(6/15/2004 7:18:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1777 times)

Hi there.

I have a debate question, and I am very interrested in hearing your opinion!

At some schools in the county I live in boys have to tuck thier shirts in, no matter what, and wear a belt, but girls do not have to tuck thier shirts in....or wear a belt if they don't want too!

A lot of the boys complain about this, and think it is unfair.



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Date: 6/15/2004 7:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 33925    That is wierd..why would ANYONE have to tuck their shirt in??  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:20:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62753    I think it is because the boys, or some I should say like to sag - where thier boxers show! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    Oh I guess that reasoning makes sense...I still think it's pretty dumb though...lol  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    I think that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard....LOL..  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 36704    I went to a private school and both boys and girls had to have their shirts tucked in and a belt on at all times. If the girls don't have to I don't see why the guys should have to.  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 13974    I think it is silly, but it is the rules. When I was in high school we were pretty upset over some of our dress code, so, we started a petition, and got parents to sign it, and took it to the school board. Some of the ruls changed, and we were happy. So I say, if you feel it is genuinly wrong, do something about it.   
Date: 6/15/2004 7:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62753    I wasn't fat in school, but now that I have had my son ,I would never tuck in my shirt! I am sure there are some guys that don't want too eaither for that reason! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 13974    That, or make the girls tuck theirs in too.  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 13974    I wouldn't like it, but then again, I always felt like a moron with a tee-shirt tucked in. I say lose the rule.  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 50499    Now that is just plain silly to me. I found that the cure to the saggy pants peoblem is to just yank them down when they least expect it...  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    I think your posts draw huge crowds.LOL. Naaaa they're right to complain. It isn't right to make half of them do it and not the other half (gender aside) and I've never been crazy about belts unless I was going to church or to something formal...I don't see school as formal, so no....they shouldn't have to wear them. Take care. -Damon
Date: 6/15/2004 7:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62753    Yank them down ???? !!!!!! Now there's an idea, but I don't think a 24 year old woman should go around yanking down teenage boys pants. It wouldn't look right! LOL . Maybe they should use those tie straps, but they have tried it, and the kids cut them off.... Hmmmmm .... Lizard-1  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:36:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62753    Do yall think parents could solve the sagging problem ????? Lizard-1  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 22992    Just give otu hours to those who sag.. done deal  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 57232    this is a dumb reply, but girls are self conscience of their bodies and guys sometimes do not care and that's probably why?  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 62752    oh goodness, if i was a guy i would tell them, when u start making the girls then ok, and if they didnt do anything i would wear a skirt or a dress everyday till i passed my point KK  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 62758    I agree,......boys and girls should be under the same rules expecially at school. How can it be wrong for boy, but OK for girls? Isn't that discrimination? ..................FlameNheart
Date: 6/15/2004 9:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 62265    I think because, like you said, boys wear saggy pants that show their boxers and girls don't. Plus girls clothes are WAY different, like the shirts. Think of the shirts, some of them look REALLY bad tucked in like those fancy blouses that have this lacy stuff at the bottem. N-ways that's what I think. ~Cassie~  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 9713    How is it discrimination? Is it wrong then, in private schools, that girls have to wear skirts? Should we make the boys? It's a stupid rule, sure, but it's probably to help make them look decent and respectable. I'm sure the girls can't wear certain things as well. I'm sure the girls can't where strapless shirts to school and the like.  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    the girls body has a different make up then the male body.. a girl does not need a belt because things rest nicely on the hips with no chance of it falling where as it's not so with a guy  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 15157    Girls rule that it lol  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 59371    All I have to say is; It is a free country! lol   
Date: 6/15/2004 10:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 19685    i think it's unfair definately. i think a lot of "rules" are silly and uneccasary though.  
Date: 6/15/2004 10:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 22188    Hmm...if the rule was because of the baggy clothes, why wouldn't they just make the rule state that no boxers could show?? To answer your question, though, I don't think it's fair. In our school system, no one could follow the lenient dress code, so they changed it. Now girls can't wear shorts or sleeveless shirts...but guys still can! I was really outraged by that myself..I mean, the rule they had was acceptable, which stated no shorts that ended above the fingertips and no spaghetti strap shirts and if they'd just ENFORCED those rules in the first place they wouldn't have had to punish everyone. Grr...authority figures. They can never do something the easy way.  
Date: 6/16/2004 12:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 13974    Well midnightly, that is all a matter of what you buy. I have know plenty of girls go witht the baggy style, and theirs stayed up no better. And I know plenty of guys who buy pants that fit so that they don't fall down.  
Date: 6/16/2004 1:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 55386    Ehhh....I hate tucking in my shirt....and wearing belts...Lol! I'd go to a different school, or storm the PTA!...Wait..what does PTA mean..o.o Idk..just heard it somewhere, sounded good hehe.  
Date: 6/16/2004 2:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 11348    I've seen soooo many boys wearing their pants so loose and low you'd think they might trip over them. In which case, a belt an a shirt tucked in is a VERY good idea! At my schools, we girls had certain guidelines also that boys didn't have. We were not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts, short shirts, short skirts or shorts. So, my thoughts are why should a boy be allowed to show off his underwear and backside if a girl can't even show her shoulders? Good debate.  
Date: 6/16/2004 4:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    Guess they just dont want the girls to accent her .... um, chest area? Only thing I can think of... if you find out why they made this rule, let me know?  
Date: 6/16/2004 6:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 24856    After working in an Human Resources function for so many years, I am definitely for having dress codes. When I went to school, girls were not permitted to wear pants....but it has changed so much since then. I am not sure why your school has this rule, but would be interested in finding out why the boys have to and the girls do not. I believe our schools need to reinvent the dress codes anyway......  
Date: 6/16/2004 9:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 38256    well most girls shirts aren't designed to be tucked in where as men's/boy's shirts are and they don't want the saggy boxer thing either  
Date: 6/16/2004 4:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    tuck in an undershirt and wear a belt then put another shirt over both, the rules dont say that you cant do that  
Date: 6/17/2004 11:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 4144    that's stupid. who came up with that idea? let's all take time to worry about those boy's shirts and less time to worry about the ones with the guns....  
Date: 6/28/2004 9:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 3836    That is really stupid and unfair. I've never even heard of that before. Sounds pretty dumb to me  
Date: 6/29/2004 11:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 51026    that's really stupid i mean you should have the right to decide if you want a belt or have your shirt tucked in. i mean who wants to look like a redneck with their shirt tucked in? BlackIllusion  

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