Taking pictures, hanging out with your best friends,and laughing about all those funny times in class. Yep, the end of the year, last day of school-today for me. I went to school thinking it was a regular day except, well it was the last. I didn't really realize that once I left 1st and 2nd period I probably wasn't going to see many people over the summer from those classes, unless they were my good friends. I left lunch looking at the guy I've liked and realized that I wouldn't see him for another three months.I thought about it, but it seemed like I would see him another day, or so it felt. I left school,giving hugs, waving goodbue, final yearbook signings, but it still didn't hit me. I don't really think it has yet. Tomorrow it will just seem like we have off, but I think it will really get me monday morning when I look at the clock and remember I can sleep in. Or when I go on vacation, and wonder what all my fellow friends and classmates are up to. Yes it's everyone's exciting moment to drop their books and run like hell when they hear that final bell, but once you pop a seat on the bus the tears start to kick in. There are some people I don't see out of school, and some moving. I just have to tell my self, 3 months.. and I'll be fine. Besides, its summer, I'm going to England and France! I'll miss you class of 07' see ya next year!!!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .