In our city there's this book called "the KEY" which is a study guide for diploma exams for gr. 12 students. It's VERY helpful I found last semester because it organised all the stuff in the curriculum and reviews the whole course with you. This semester I wanted to get it for socials 33 because the course has tons of notes and I don't think I could study it (too messy) so I went to this room where they sold the book, the guy that's suppose to sell the books is a JOCK-teacher (stereotypical former high school football star, now retired jock with a huge belly.) and so I went to his room and he wasn't there in the morning..wasn't there in the afternoon...went there afterschool and the guy there said he "JUST LEFT". two more days he was on some basketball thingy in another city. then the weekend came and finally on monday I found him and I asked him for the book; he went into the closet for like two seconds and turned back and said "can't find it." so I assumed they don't sell Socials 33. But today a girl told me she bought the KEY just yesterday in socials 33! So afterschool I went back to the jock and attempted to try again, and the room was locked; the guy has left the building once again..
OH MY GOD, why would they give some important study guide to someone who rarely shows up in the room? He obviously always have sport meetings and tournaments and stuff, I wish they'd just sell it in the library or something You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15904 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .