when i was 3 she was there when i scraped my knee, when i was five, she was there for my first day of school, when i was 8 she was the one who i cried to when i had a bad day at school, when i was 12 she was always in my buisness, and she thought she knew it all, when i was 15, she wouldnt let me go to that party, becasue boys where there, when i was 18 i couldnt wait to leave, ugh im finally grown up. when i was 21 i realized she wasnt wrong, she was right, about everything, she is my best friend, she is my mother, she gave up her life for me and my brother, she is always there no matter what, looking back now, i wish i knew then what i know now, its funny how u go through stages in ur life with one person, but im glad when i yelled and screamed about her being wrong, she looked at me and said someday u will understand, now i do, and i am so glad god gave me my best friend and my mom in the same person
( to my mom Rhonda Love KK) ~*KristenKay*~ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62752 ( Click here )
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