I never do know if I put things in the right category, so if this is wrong forgive me. I have Multiple Sclerosis and I can't remember when it was sometime 2 weeks ago I got another MRI done, this time with the spinal as well and I had my appoinment on the 7th. I am usually on an IV schedule and I have to take IV steroids once a month. And on this visit my doctor was to decide whether or not I should stay on that IV schedule.
Well Well Well! My doctor said that my MRI's look so good that I don't have to go on the schedule and on top of that I can cancel the ones that have already been set up for me until July! So yay!!! No more steroid IV's! Knock on wood. If I have an exacerbation (or relapse, attack) I will have to then, but lets hope I don't have one, I haven't had one since Mother's Day 03'
I'm also excited that a new drug might be on the market, I have to take a shot once a week and it doesn't make me feel so hot, this new drug will be done just once a month and through IV just one day if it is approved and it's side effects shouldn't be as bad.
So as far as my MS goes, I'm doing good :). My only problems are my numb right foot (which is funny, it bothers me mostly when putting on shoes, left goes right on but I have manipulate shoes to get my foot in) and fatigue.
What is MS you might ask? This is the best site for answers, http://www.nationalmssociety.org/What%20is%20MS.asp How it changed my life:Gia's post made me think about it, I'm not going to have a nurse around for awhile. The nurses come to my house to administer IV when I get it. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 57232 ( Click here )
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