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Should abortion be legal or illegal?: A health class topic~ÎÇ

  Author:  56630  Category:(Debate) Created:(6/14/2004 4:34:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (4390 times)

Well, in health class we had a talk about abortions, and my teacher said to go and ask some people.

So I ask you.

I think abortion should be legal, reason is because a lot of teen pregancies arer happening and sometimes they can't support the baby, and thats why I think it should be legal.

So USM whats you opinion?

{ÎcedÇaveman Ugh!}

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Date: 6/14/2004 4:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    Legal. But there would have to be some set of guidelines.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 45876    No I think it should not be legal, I mean even if you are a teen and pregnant, cause it is the teens fault that she is pregant cause she was stupid enough to have Sex, Why kill an a baby for no reason? Give it up for adotion at least! God bless and take care.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 22308    well, that is a tough call cause if you make it illegal then if you end up getting pregnant and you can't have the child cause of an illness and it might kill you, then you can't be saved. if you make it legal, then you can be saved. that's tough, i really don't know. all i've got to say is abortion is wrong but if you can't have a child, like me, i might not get to cause of my heart, then it would be a good idea. but i still think abortion is wrong cause its murder  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    I could never decide if it should be legal or not. I'm more with what the situation is. If a teen has unprotected sex, fools around or whatever and becomes preggers, she should take up the responsabilty. Even if she has to give up on a lot of things to support the child. It's not fair to the child, in my opinion. But if the situtation was that the female got raped, then maybe she should get an abortaion. I don't know... Either way, I don't like the idea of anyone having an abortion. I think it's wrong.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    I also like what FuelGurl said.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 58078    I think legal...what about those cases of people that are raped. That child is a constant reminder.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 33925    I think it needs to be legal because if they dont make it legal there would be women going to back alleys to have them performed anyway. Its safer to have it done in a trained facility. Also there are cases where abortion is NEEDED for medical reasons. I dont believe in abortion as a form of birth control though. I believe there should be limits set on it.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    While I may not agree with abortion I strongly believe it should remain legal with strict guidelines. YOu make it illegal...it'll be available via the black market and alot of women will die because they aren't being cared for properly....etc..  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 50434    Just because these teens are out there laying on there backs is not a good reason to allow abortion. If they cannot afford to have a child they should go through adoption. These people who make the decision to have unprotected sex doesnt give them the right to kill a living being! The only way I would aprove of abortion is in rape cases and that IT! I understand its the womens body but when they make the choice to have sex they are doing so knowing the possiblity they MIGHT be pregnant. ITS A CHILD NOT A CHOICE!  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 12966    I think it should be illegal...its murder  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    If you can't spend the time, don't do the crime. I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control. LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Abortion should not be a form of birth control! Period! That's just irresponsible. So a teenager is stupid and chooses not to protect themselves, so no biggie...go get an abortion? No way...I disagree. They are having sex, that's an adult thing, they should realize the consequences of their adult act. I don't agree with abortions, but I do feel there are exceptions to the rule, those have all been discussed before. So, yeah make them illegal, so young girls can STILL go and get them done, but by someone who isn't even an M.D., then she gets a major infection and dies. So in the process, not one but 2 lives are lost. As much as I disagree with abortions, I think it would be crazy to outlaw them. Women will find a way. But I have no tolerance for anyone who uses it as a form of birth control. Adoption is always another option. HUG-A-NURSE,  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    sorry, I did not mean to repeat, some of what I said had already been stated  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Although I believe abortion is murder I also believe that depriving any woman of her choice in doing, would be a mistake. If women couldn't have abortions legally many would seek their own solutions and others who'd been raped wouldn't have a choice either. Abortion isn't a cut and dry issue like so many want to believe. It's possible to know that abortion is murder and that ultimately it's the wrong choice but to ALSO recognize that we can't choose what every woman should do when in this situation. We can't judge the origin or outcome of every pregnancy and therefore shouldn't have it be illegal under all circumstances. I also feel that abortion shouldn't be used as a form of contraception and that there should be a maximum of two allowed in a woman's lifetime, unless a rape or serious health issue is involved. I also feel it should be MANDATORY for every woman getting an abortion to watch footage of what actually happens to the embreyo during an abortion. She should also be told about the possible long-term effects to he,r both physically and mentally. These things are not explained in the amount of detail that they should be.  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 1055    Well, I enjoy debates like this and although I have debated endlessly about how abortion should not be legal, I have never done what I am about to do. I am going to give you statistics. Let me first say that I am not totally against abortion. It should only be used when the child poses a serious medical condition or death to the mother. So, without further ado, here is what I found: 25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.
21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.
14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.
12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)
10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.
7.9% of women want no (more) children.
3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.
2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.
So, you see, the total number of abortions that I think are acceptable is 6.1% of all the abortions done in the United States. I got this information from http://womensissues.about.com/cs/abortionstats/a/aaabortionstats.htm. So you see, a vast majority of the population wants abortion just because they don't want to have a child. DON'T HAVE SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN! You will notice something about these statistics. That is that not one of the statistics mentions anything about an abortion due to rape. This tells me one of two things. Either the percentage of women that are raped and conceive a child to be aborted is so small that it is considered zero or rape is not a reason why women have their child aborted. I think that the reason pro-choice people choose to use rape as an excuse in their debates is not because it has any relevance to the issue, but rather because it is such a horrific topic that people that don't research the topic automatically feel sympathy for their cause.
Date: 6/14/2004 8:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Universal Traveler...are you responding to my mention of rape in my comment? If so, even though your statistics show no percentage to rape..IT DOES HAPPEN. I know of cases where girls and women have been raped and contemplated abortion. So if women have NO CHOICE IN ANY SITUATION in the termination of a pregnancy...the smallest percentage that are raped would be forced to have the baby. Even though abortion is murder, we CANNOT force every woman in every situation to have an abortion and that is why it has to be legal. I just wish there were more requirements, information and limitations on abortion.  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    this sentence should've read....."Even though abortion is murder, we should not prevent every woman in every situation against having an abortion and that is why it has to be legal."  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    ah, man... can't we just let this one go?  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    Abortion is murder, by the way... some kids are actualyl born into families that can't support them, so should we round up those kids and have themthrown into a mass grave.  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 19460    You Choose... how many women will cry RAPE just so they can get an abortion if it becomes illegal to all but those who have been raped? In my opinion, abortion is wrong. Someone would love that child, even if the birth mother wont give it a chance. And for those who claim a pregnancy isnt a baby until it is born... If it's not a baby then your not pregnant.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    BabyFroggy...in the acception of rape, a woman would be proof. I imagine the proof that would be needed would be a medical report of the examination immediately following the rape and a police report. If a woman didn't do either of these after being raped, this would raise suspicion.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    this should've said...."if there was a clause for the acception of rape, a woman would need proof of the rape." A woman can prove she's been raped. There's usually signs of rape. A woman may show proof through witnesses by having told someone right after, she may have bruises or injuries. She generally has a medical examination that entails a sperm sample, pictures of injuries and gives her mental state. she also will generally file a police report.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 9713    Legal.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 9713    What is wrong with people? I understand people that are pro-life, but guess what, someone pro CHOICE can be pro life too. I'm all for women not having abortions as a form of birth control, but it's a choice and should and will remain a choice. For all of those about the teens, what about adults, who have already had children that get abortions? Does that not happen? Don't just think that teens are the only women exploring this option.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    Traveler, the 14.1% women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child, could include rape cases as well..... A relationship issue, can be anything from molestation, rape, divorce or break up.... Now for my opinion.. I am pregnant now, and I can fully realize just how strongly I feel about this subject now. I think an abortion is wrong if its used as a form of birth control. If it is used in aid to save the mother's health or life, or in a rape situation, then I have to say that would be acceptable reasons. Therefore, I am for it, when it comes to a medical necessity or in a case of rape... But for birth control, No way. People, men and women alike, whether teens or not, should accept the responsibility of having unprotected sex. They still have the option of adopting the baby out, and there is a lot of couples that really want a child but cannot rear one themselves. So, not only does that save the child's life, it also gives people that cannot have children, the oppurtunity to have a family. sorry if this is long or if I stated some things more than once, I do that.. lol *huge hugs*  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 53558    It all depends on how it was conceived. Rape yes. Any other no.  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 62753    A WARNING to the young girls out there..... I have a friend that got pregnant when she was about 19 , she got a abortion, even after all her friends told her that they would help, et cetra, et cetra. A year later, I got pregnant with my son, and my friend was very depressed. It has been years now, and she is currently pregnant with twins, she is due any day now, but she still thinks about the baby she aborted.... She wishes she didn't do it. She can't take it back. YOU CAN'T FIX it once it is done! She has to live with it forever! Be careful! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 58308    it should be illegal. teens should not be having sex, therefore, they won't be getting pregnant.  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 4144    i think it should be legal. people are going to get them legally or not. i also think it should be the person's personal business to have one or not. to me, it is killing a baby. so i wouldn't do it. but that's MY business. and it is NOT my business what other people do.  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 62681    ZEEBS wrote: "Teens should not be having sex, therefore, they won't be getting pregnant." But they *are* having sex. And we really can't stop them. -- The Wandering Jew  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 9713    With all the comments I have read after mine, why does everyone assume that teens are the only people having abortions?  
Date: 6/15/2004 3:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 58078    Noone knows unless they are in that situation and see what is going on and the reasoning etc. Teenagers ...no not just teenagers but women in general still get pregnants still while using protection. I still stand by what I said earlier. I think legal but with certain standards. And as for the comment made about how many people would then cry rape....one wouldn't find out that they are pregnant till a few weeks later and by then your rape should have been reported...if not it would take some investigating to do.  
Date: 6/15/2004 3:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 13119    For everyone out there calling it murder get real! That is not a legal definition that is you putting your prejudices and opinions off as if they are law. The question is should abortion be legal, the answer is yes and almost everyone of your who have said no it should be illegal then gave instances where by which it should be legal. Think about it, you are contradicting yourself. Who are you to decide what someone else does with their body? Who died and made you god. NO ONE! Abortion is going to happen whether it is legal or not, by making it legal you are ensuring guidelines are set and critia are met to be able to have an abortion. Would you rather see young women bleeding to death because they went to a backyard butcher? Roe vs Wade was fought to ensure that the rights of women are upheld, who here wants to set civil liberties back 50 yrs causing more death and distruction. Not me, make it legal, keep it legal and keep the people who have abortions save from sanctimonious prigs who feel they know what is best for everyone.  
Date: 6/15/2004 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 15319    "it should be illegal. teens should not be having sex, therefore, they won't be getting pregnant." Hey Einstein, not ALL abortions are done by irresponsible pregnant teenagers you know.  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 1055    Ok, so some people have commented that my statements about rape are incorrect because my statistics do not plainly state them. So, I did some more research and guess what I found? Total abortions made because of rape or incest are 1 every 2,000 abortions. That is 0.05% of ALL abortions and it includes rape AND incest. So really that percentage should be half of what it is, but lets say for the sake of arguement that they are the same in this aspect. And while I was at it, I also found out some interesting information about the whole Roe vs Wade ruling. "Jane Roe" claimed to have been the victim of a rape, became pregnant, and appealed to the Supreme Court for the right to abort her child. She later admitted to fabricating the story, and by the time that decision was handed down, she had already given birth and placed her child for adoption. So, the whole arguement about Roe vs Wade was based on a lie. A LIE! So, what you are telling me is that the 2 of the biggest reasons you want abortion is from a statistic (that I was correct in saying was close enough to zero to be insignificant) that only applies to 0.05% of all abortions and a woman that lied to the Supreme Court just because she didn't want to have a child? Let me give you the real numbers and not percentages because percentages can be misleading. They say that 1,370,000 abortions happen each year. I am going to use 1,400,000 because it gives pro-choices the benefit. That means that 357,000 abortions annually are because of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing. 298,200 abortions are because of women cannot afford a baby. 197,400 abortions are because of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child. 170,800 abortions are because of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.) 151,200 are because of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career. 110,600 are because of women want no (more) children. 46,200 are because of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health. 39,200 are because of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health. And finally, 700 are because of rape. So you are telling me that I should make abortion legal for everyone because of 700 people. I'll tell you what, those 700 people should have the right to abort or not as well as the 39,200 and 46,200 for maternal health and fetal health. The rest, however, have no excuse. They just plain did not want a child because they were too selfish to see beyond themselves. Now, as for the "It's her body, she can do with it as she wants." arguement. It's true, it is her body, but that doesn't give her the right to WHATEVER she wants to it. There has to be laws that prevent people from hurting themselves in irreversible ways and, in my opinion, this falls under that category. And since this is my opinion, someone will disagree. But I want you to look at those numbers again. Only 86,100 women have a valid reason for having an abortion. If only those were allowed to have an abortion, then I would not be so incredibly against this issue. In fact, if only those had the right to abort, then I don't think I would have a problem with this issue at all.  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 9713    What would happen for the majority of rape victims, who do NOT report the rape? Too bad, you shouldn't have been to scared, or ashamed, or disgusted and you should've reported it. Your feelings at the time didn't matter because you COULD have gotten pregnant. Then, a few weeks later they discover they are pregnant. What then? Are they given abortions or not?  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 62100    I believe that abortion should be legal because otherwise we go back to women attempting self-abortions or going to black market butchers again like in the days before abortion was legal. There are good guidelines set down, and it is done as safely as possible.  
Date: 6/16/2004 8:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 13119    Roe vs Wade may have been based on a LIE but it also affected the lives of every woman out there. The reason she won was because it was the right and legal thing to happen, she lied to ensure that she was given the best possible chance of winning. She did what she had to without resorting to a backyard butcher. 86,000 women is a lot of women, who are you to decide who has the right to an abortion or not? As someone else said, not all rapes or incest cases are reported how can you be sure of your figures.  
Date: 6/16/2004 9:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 62681    UNIVERSAL TRAVELER wrote: "Only 86,100 women have a valid reason for having an abortion." That may be, but ALL women deserve the right to make medical decisions about their own body on their own. You don't get to make decisions for other women. -- The Wandering Jew  
Date: 6/16/2004 10:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 13119    Thank you Wandering Jew, I am glad that you put it so straight forward and basic. You got the point across much better than I did with my long drawn out blurb!  
Date: 6/16/2004 12:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 19220    I think that abortion should be legal and safe for medical reasons. I don't believe in abortion for myself but I don't have the right to make others decisions for them. I feel that if abortion were to become illegal then we will return to back alley abortions that are very unsafe. IMO if you sleep with someone knowing that there is a chance of pregnancy, then that is something you should deal with.  
Date: 6/16/2004 3:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 57225    I think it should be up to the people involved, so i think it should be legal, but there should be certain requirements or something, so its not over-used.. like so people aren't abusing that right. it shouldn't be able to be like 'i'm pregnant oh well lets get rid of it and go at it again' know what i mean? but i think in certain scenarios it'd be in better interest to everyone, including the baby.  
Date: 6/16/2004 4:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 56630    Ok, I have seen a lot of good resons from all of you about it being legal or illegal. I think for the most part, you all came up with great reasons. So please keep replying. \m/EastSyde Luv\m/  
Date: 6/16/2004 7:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 1055    Magoo, I don't know where you get lying as acceptable if it gets what you want. In fact, I was always taught that it was VERY wrong to lie to get what you want. And yes, 86,000 is a lot of women, but 1,400,000 is a lot more women. So you say a lot of rape and incest are not reported, lets increase the number for the sake of arguement then by, say 100 times. That means that 70,000 women are raped each year. Combine that with 86,000 and you get 156,000 women that have valid reasons for getting an abortion. That is still only 10% of the total number of abortions each year. The Wandering Jew, you said that ALL women have the right to make medical decisions about their body. I agree, IF they have valid medical reasons for their decision, NOT just because they want to. There is a VAST difference between want and need. 1,240,000 women have an abortion because it will inconvenience them in some way. 86,000 women NEED an abortion because a serious medical condition exists. I don't see how we can KILL millions of children each year and still call ourselves civilized.  
Date: 6/17/2004 6:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 62681    UNIVERSAL TRAVELER wrote: "The Wandering Jew, you said that ALL women have the right to make medical decisions about their body. I agree, IF they have valid medical reasons for their decision, NOT just because they want to. There is a VAST difference between want and need. 1,240,000 women have an abortion because it will inconvenience them in some way. 86,000 women NEED an abortion because a serious medical condition exists. I don't see how we can KILL millions of children each year and still call ourselves civilized." You can't have it both ways. You can't say, "Women have the right to their bodies" and then follow it up with "There must be a valid reason for it." Then, you're giving women the right to their bodies ONLY if someone else says it's okay. What you've done there is taken away the basic civil rights of an individual -- and that's something that America should not, or never, be about. One of the troublesome things about Civil Rights is that you have to protect them for EVERYONE -- even those whom you might think are least deserving of them. You've also made a big deal in the past about how numbers can be skewed. I'd like to suggest that even the numbers you've used have been skewed. How does your statistician define "inconvenience"? What does it mean when you say, "1,240,000 women have an abortion because it will inconvenience them in some way"? -- The Wandering Jew  
Date: 6/17/2004 7:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 1055    Well, I first let me say that I did not say, ""Women have the right to their bodies" and then follow it up with "There must be a valid reason for it."" I said, ""ALL women have the right to make medical decisions about their body. I agree, IF they have valid medical reasons for their decision, NOT just because they want to."" Emphasis on the MEDICAL. I am fighting for civil rights for everyone, except I seem to be the only one fighting for the civil rights of the one who needs them the most, that is, the unborn child. So, yeah, ""One of the troublesome things about Civil Rights is that you have to protect them for EVERYONE."" Oh, and to clarify my statement about inconvenience: inconvenience, not suited to one's comfort or purpose. Does that help any for what I was trying to say?  
Date: 6/17/2004 7:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 13119    I am sorry that it took someone lying to get the laws changed but I do not go back on what I said. If it was left up to people like the Universal Soldier we would be in a Nazi type enviroment. What gives you the right to tell me what I have to do with my body. How do you know how someone is going to react to being pregnant? Inconvenience is a very broad term and really isn't indicitative of why they are having abortions. I think that Wandering Jew has stated it the best. And your statement to him had the conatation that IF (see the big IF) IF they have valid medical reasons for their decision, NOT just because they want to. Well right there in that sentence you are setting yourself up as judge and jury of something that you have no right to be. IF they do or IF they don't is none of your business, it is their rights.  
Date: 6/17/2004 3:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Life is about choices and unfortunately, we cannot force everyone to make the right ones. We CANNOT say that just because a small percentage of women have abortions due to rape, they're insignificant...that's discrimination. We must also separate our religious and person beliefs from the facts on this issue. Yes, it's true that many people feel abortion is murder and I do too but I not everyone shares that belief and they never will. Since they don't, we have to look at most controversial issues based on a person's civil rights. It's a nice DREAM to believe that if abortion was illegal, women wouldn't have abortions or harm their baby but it's totally unrealistic. Women that are determined enough to end a pregnancy WILL find a way. I still feel the best solution to the abortion controversy, is to promote more sexual education and information to all women, starting in school. There should also be mandatory counseling for those considering abortion, with visual and personal accounts of the possible psychological and physical reporcussions. There should also be a limit on the number of abortions allowed because after a certain number, it's very obvious that a person is using this as a form of contraception.  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 1055    Well, like so many other national catastophies, sorry just doesn't seem to cut it. And you know what Magoo, you are right, women should be able to do whatever they want to their bodies. After I read your statement, I thought long and hard about how you were wrong and then it hit me that maybe you weren't wrong. So yeah, a women should have the right to do whatever she wants with her body. But a child is not a womans body, so she does not have the right to kill that child. Sure, it has similar DNA and might look like her when it grows up, but it is not her body. Therefore, she does not have the right to do whatever she wants to that child. And I'm sorry if I made it sound like I was discriminating against rape victims. That is not what I was trying to say at all. What I was trying to get across was the fact that those that debate for abortion and use rape as one of the main reasons for it, need to understand that an extreme minority of all abortions are due to rape. Like said before, I don't have anything against rape victims having an abortion. Rape is a horrific crime and I don't want the victims of rape who want an abortion to think that they can't have one just because someone says so. And I have use science and not religion in all of my responses. I know that religion will never be the deciding factor in getting people to believe that abortion is wrong. I do like the idea of increased education.  
Date: 6/17/2004 9:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 9713    IFs are ridiculous. So, in your thinking, UT, it's not OK to have an abortion. You've made that clear. BUT you can as you say murder, given the circumstances. That's just the thing, you can't have exceptions. It's either legal, or it's illegal. Thank God that it's legal and that womens basic human rights are being protected by that.  
Date: 6/18/2004 12:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 1055    Is not it legal to kill someone in self defense? Last time I checked you could. Therefore, in instances where the unborn child is posing a medical risk to the mothers life (I consider rape to have the possibility of posing serious medical risk to the mother mental state and, thus, life), she is aborting to save her own life, i.e. self defense. In instances where the child poses a serious medical risk to its own life, the mother can choose to abort. Same concept as pulling the plug on a terminally ill patient that has slim to no chance of recovering.  
Date: 6/18/2004 7:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    Yes it should be legal if the woman requests it. A woman should have the choice.  
Date: 6/23/2004 11:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 56063    I never really had a problem with abortions its your own choice but now adays girls seem to be getting one abortion after another its almost as if they get pregnat they don't care. so i think that it should be limited  
Date: 7/22/2004 5:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 61013    luke I fully agree with you but I think the teens are responcible for not being safer. ~*~hugs and kisses~*~ Love, Keri  
Date: 7/24/2004 11:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 61013    can you please kinda chill with the caps lock.  

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