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  Author:  62752  Category:(Discussion) Created:(6/14/2004 2:11:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (3225 times)

ok what is up with this? i seen that the republicans are now trying to stop ppl with food stamps from buying anything classified as "Junk Food" this makes me mad, who are ppl to tell someone who is poor they cant buy a thing of cake mix for there child's bday? i mean i am a democrat, and i dont agree with alot the republicans say but come on this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard, here is one link u can read on http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118599,00.html


P.S not everyone on food stamps are lazy and not wanting to work, there are elderly ppl, disabled ppl, and alot of the united states military on food stamps, what next u can only buy carrots and lettuce???

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 6/14/2004 2:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 23075    I was told one time tht you can't even buy toilet paper with food stamps....is this true or not  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 13937    Yes Paddington that is true. You can not buy any items that are not food. You also can not buy hot food from the deli at the grocery store such as chicken.  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    but frankly i believe she can buy what she wants, what do u say to the ppl who are fighting for our country, ur family needs to eat only healthy food, there on food stamps now too because of our economy, did ur mom never give u ice cream when u were little, i raise my nephew and he gets a limited ammount of food stamps, and that is to take care of him because my brother cant, how dare someone say i cant buy him some doritos? i believe if u have food stamps who cares another thing for the republicans to pick on  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 23075    well yes then I have to agree with the fact that if you are getting free money or food then no you shouldn't be able to buy any junk food with it...  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 23075    however.....in my books toilet paper is a necessity and that should be allowed as well as feminine needs etc.  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    When it comes to buying LOBSTER, and T-BONES and anything that people who don't have foodstamps don't buy because they can't afford it, I agree... Now if you want to buy some ice cream - it's whatever! I CANT even remember ever buying a LOBSTER! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:41:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    have u ever sat a 3 year old down and said here eat this bran flakes with no sugar or cocoa puffs, come on, he is healthy this is insane, here eat this carrot, please he doesnt eat veggies, and it isnt uncommon alot of children dont eat alot of fruits or veggies till there older, he does get wic and he gets his cocoa puffs on that what is the difference?  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:42:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i stepped in to take care of him and my money goes to pay for the water bill, car payment, day care, rent, electric, and every other bill, come on if i wanna buy a gallon of ice cream or a thing of doritos for him please....  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    What about all those people who get foodstamps, that don't really need them! Hmmmm??? They are eatting Lobster, and here I am balancing my checkbook before I go to the store, to make sure I can afford to buy two gallons of milk instead of one! Wish I had food stamps. LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    If you want to bake a cake, I am sure you can get flour, sugar, eggs, and a box of coacoa.. Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    You can make a great meal from macaroni cheese, pork chops, and can of green beans... Whats the problem! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:45:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    and even with food stamps u have to make them stretch just like money, why would someone buy all this junk food and let there children go hungry, most ppl dont abuse it, and i say what is it the goverments buisness if u are over weight, why dont they have free gyms then? alot of rich ppl are over weight should someone step in and say u can only spend ur money on carrots? come on i think this is getting out of hand  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    i know someone who lies and gets foodstamps. She lives in a big house, and gets 400 a month. She loads her freezer with meat, cheeses, and junk food..... and uses her money to buy other stuff.. Ity's wrong, and I am sure she isn't the only one!!!!!. LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    WHY NOT JUST give everyone food! There we go !!! JUST GIVE IT ALL AWAY ----- that way its fair. EVERYONE GETS THIER RATION! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    why dont u turn them in? there are ppl like that im not saying anything, but i pay taxes and everything else, so if they wanna go to prison for it so be it, turn her in, that takes away from some poor person who needs it  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    LOL LOL LOL -- please my husband got laid off after working somewhere for 6 years, I was pregnant, we begged for food stamps, and we didn't get them! HE HAS PAID more in taxes than a lot of people... ANYONE CAN GET FOOD STAMPS IN TEXAS, except me!  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    MOST people at the food stamp office here drive nice cars, and don't work! DRUG dealers have no problems getting food stamps. It's a shame! LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    hahaha well it goes by alot, if u have more then one car ext ext, trust me liz it wasnt personal against u.  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:54:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    well liz, there are ppl who do need them, such as me, i only get 55 a month for my nephew and if u think im buying lobster him , come on, our goverment caused alot of this, if a cubian comes here they get housing,wic, foodstamps u name it, which is RETARDED  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Texas just isn't very strict on thier foodstamps policy! I just don't think they should be able to buy things that they don't need. I worked at a grocery store, and you wouldn't beleive what people buy with food stamps. FROZEN t.v. dinners, cookies, cakes, birthday cakes made from the bakery! Seems like they would want to be as tight as they possibly can! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    WIC u dont get meat or potatos if ur preg u can get tuna, u dont get bread either, u get cereal,eggs, juice, peanut butter, cheese and one can of beans  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I know, i think they should do food stamps the same as the do wic, Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    BUT do you really need that 55? I don't know, but I am just saying, 55 here, and 55 there, before you know it- DEPRESSION! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I spend 55 a week on cigarettes, know what I mean, someone like me could go in and lie, and get money - it's not fair! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I thought 110 was the least you could get, maybe thats just texas! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Good Luck Kristen Kay - I think that you might be one of the few honest ones, but it is hard to convince those of us that work hard, and go broke buying grocerys that someone should be picky about what they can and can't buy when they are handed a couple hundered a month! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Yeah what he said! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    it may be 55 dollars but it is 55 dollars, and im not mad thats all i get im made now there telling hard working ppl who step in and help take care of kids that dont belong to them, how to spend it, it isnt like were alowed to buy jewelry or something i think it is none of the goverments buisness if i pay my taxes and wanna buy a candy bar  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 53284    The article specificly says that it wants to limit, not eliminate, junk food. Say it puts a cap of $20/month on junk food. Then you could still have the occasional special treat but you couldn't live on potatoe chips  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    but who buys all junk food on there foodstamps and what about ppl who have kids and wanna buy there snack foods for there kids school lunches, and then why doesnt the goverment step in and change the food at school? thats the most fattening foods around  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    People should be happy that their even GETTING that money....I would think if they 'really' needed it they would not complain that there were limitations on what they could or could not get...  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    I am now on gov. help...foodstamps, even. I don't work right now, but I don't work because I am a full time nursing student with class all day and clinicals in the evening. Therefore, I cannot afford to buy my child a box of cookies or cake mix with MY OWN MONEY when it's his birthday, or when he wants a treat just because he is a kid. I use the little bit of cash I do have saved up for toiletries and gas. Yep I would be extremely upset if I couldn't buy popscicles or ice cream for my kid. I have worked and paid taxes since I was 15, so I should be able to buy whatever I want with MY foodstamps. And yes, they are mine, once I am given that money in my account they don't go and take it back. As long as my son is healthy, growing, and happy what should anyone care. BUT I won't get all uppity about it...I only have a year left on these dumb foodstamps and I will graduate...and it's goodbye to gov. assistance, thank God! Hopefully, if this goes into play, it won't be until I am completely outta the system. I say ppl who don't like this(able bodied young people)need to go out and get an education so they can get a better job, and they can buy whatever they want w/o having everyone dictate what they should buy. I think that's pretty simple solution. Just want to add that I had a man tell me off some time ago because I was buying bottled water with my foodstamps. It was to mix my sons medication. What a jerk!(has nothing to do with the post really)But I think it's unfair how ppl on welfare are judged. HUG-A-NURSE,  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:26:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    ok well if the ice cream truck goes by and u dont have the money for ur child to buy soemthing off the truck what is the harm in sayind ok mommy will go get u one, and that is only from minn, there are alot of ppl fighting this and alot want it to where u can not buy any at all  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    lol, bush is from texas.... maybe thats why. Clinton did great things with it. He reformed it, you couldnt stay on it... you had so much time to fix up your life... which sounds good to me.. then you cant abuse it.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 3:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i agree gia, it isnt like im not working and i sit on my butt all day and wanna live off the system  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    These people should not be complaining that they can't buy ice cream, candy bars, etc. It's FREE. They don't have to work for that money .. It's given to them. If they are so desperate for the money, they shouldn't care whether they can buy a box of twinkies or not.  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    but whos buisness is it how u raise ur kids and what u feed them, they have a problem with u buying ice cream but have no problem foking out 80 billion dollars for a war that is going no where  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Yeah, isn't it a policy that you now have 5 years on assistance, and if you don't get your life in order by then...you're kinda out of luck? I think that's good enough. BTW, to those who say you can't be picky...why not....if I have paid taxes, don't I get a say....ppl on foodstamps work too...they pay taxes....they don't have a say? Weird.  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    It IS their business .. Its them who are giving away the money.  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    Ok im going to tell you people that talk about working hard... Kristen works and I work. I dont know if anyone realizes how much a little kid will eat... thats all they do lol. I was working 70 hours a week, if you dont think that is working hard, i dont know what is. I still always help out with him. What he gets isnt enough. I feel sorry for him because he had a crappy child hood. He is only 3. He has nothing like I had... I have lost things for me to give it to him just because I feel bad. I had to buy him clothes. If he needed medicine I need to buy him that. He would run out of food. I would buy him that. When he came up here he didnt even have a winter coat, it gets 40 below zero up here in the winter. I am just saying this though because a lot of kids dont got Mike.... they arent lucky enough to have someone like me that will buy him candy to make him smile or spend money to take him to the carnival or buy him dorritos. He isnt my kid... Its unfair if you take away that option. Ive bought him that stuff with my own money. I always cant though. I try.... little things mean a lot to kids. Like special cereal and ice cream. You are talking about child hood... I could care less if i was poor and couldnt buy those things. But a child... they dont know. They just ask, how come I cant have those things? I dont let him ask that. Maybe you guys would.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 3:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    ah, Got Mike?...that's what i wanted to say, just didn't know how to say it  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i pay taxes its my money  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 44321    The way I read that article it is only happening in Minnesota,but if that passes only a matter of time before it is all over..I grew up on foodstamps,we got an occasional "junk" item now and then but never had a cart full.Even when I am in the store I rarely see folks on stamps piled down with junk items.  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:51:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    well the thing is he doesnt like apples, he is healthy he goes to wic, and he is fine and they encourage u to give them vanilla ice cream, and buy chocolate syrup to put in there mile just so they get the calciam  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    Even if they do this you will still be giving away money. Maybe they should reform catching cheaters and crooks that way a lot of waste will be gone. See they wont fix this though... they will make you put out the same money and make life crappier for people that actually need it. They need to fix it for everyone... just not make it crap for poor people. Make it so only poor people are on there, that actually look for jobs. Not bums that sit on there #*$ and do nothing. Shame on you. The selflessness is non existant. Everyone always talks about helping people out and this is mostly talk about how maybe we shouldnt give them that little bit, we could spend it on something more important like supplying Bush with his OIL. Talk about wasted money... Would you let your friend eat crap food or would you help them out? I dont even think most of you would help out a poor person. Would you do what I do? Question yourself that? If your friend had a kid and didnt get by totally, would you take a loss to help them? This is where you really know where you stand.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 3:58:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    amen mike, and that is why i love u, u would give the shoes off ur feet, and u do alot for me and my family  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    I think I'm lost. How did people on food stamps wanting to buy junk food turn into helping a FRIEND out?  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 44321    I am all for the foodstamp program,for folks that need that extra help so they know they have the money to eat each month and not have to go hungry.Not everyone on stamps abuses the system,and if they want an occasional box of twinkies then let them have it.  
Date: 6/14/2004 3:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 44321    And a good majority of people on stamps are elderly and the disabled,I am quite sure they put tax money into the sytem.Not everyone is a freeloader.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:00:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    ppl watch the poor everyday and dont do anything, but ur all for snatching away there right to buy a candy bar  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    AMEN MADUSA!!!!!! it was there tax money if they are 70 years old and paid into the system and they wanna buy twinkies let them who cares  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:04:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i asked about female problems about pregnacy  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:09:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    and to comment on that which has nothing to do with the post, i have had female probs my whole life and i would like a kid of my own and my nephew is only temp, and i in bad shape cuz i have been helping my diabled mother  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Pyriel, The money in my account IS MINE. A set amount is given to MEEEE. I have paid taxes out MY PAYCHECK. MY MONEY, I have WORKED for from MY PAYCHECK. So yes, that little chunk is exclusively mine, I paid for it.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 15157    Man o Man what next?...People who are on disablity can`t buy bikes? Sheesh!  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    If I were going to help out someone who was poor, I sure as hell wouldn't be giving them cake or candy bars. I would want to give them HEALTHY food. They don't need junk food to survive.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    If you were at the store buying a candy bar for like 40 to 75 cents with your own money and you saw a tub for someone dying and needing money... would you A) think man, I dont need this candy bar compared to there dying and need this small change. B) Get more money out of your wallet ( or purse) put some more money in and get your candy bar. C) Think oh well its not my problem. and get your candy bar. and think nothing of it.
the best part of this is no one will ever really know what you picked... only you will know truly how sorry you are.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 4:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    oh man, i have a relative that has popped out 8 kids, yes 8...and she is still on the system, and has no intentions of working. There is no way an individual should want to have any kids if they are on assistance.(not directed at you Kristen, the last comments got me thinking though)This is what I think....if you are an able bodied individual....it should be required that you enroll in college or continuing education(job training) and maintain a certain GPA in order to recieve gov. assistance...if you drop out, you lose your benefits. I think you need to give some of these ppl a big time slap in the face, shove them out the door for them to start taking this thing we call life seriously and start taking care of themselves and their families. Yeah, it's a handout if you're not working towards bettering yourself. But don't call it a handout for the ppl that are working their behinds off to get a career off the ground. That is kind of an insult, Well, to me it is. hehe.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    I agree Gia, Clinton had a 4 year plan, i dont know if its still around though.. You had 4 years to get off, enough time for college or whatever, then after that you couldnt get it anymore.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 4:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    you know healthy food is more expensive?
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 4:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    Apples are cheaper than a bag of chips.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Yeah junk food is alot cheaper.....I shop on the outside aisles(healthy stuff)at the grocery stores, and it ishard to stretch a little over $100 for a month. It really tough. I sometimes have to buy some of the junk just to make it through the month. Does that make sense? Probably not...the poor ppl will know what I mean. haha.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    I wish that I could get food stamps! There's point in times when I can't afford or able to get food in the house. Those people should be happy that they get food stamps. There's people out there that aren't able to get food stamps, from what I'v heard and that are poor.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Yes Got Mike?...it is still in place...they told me I had 5 years though. I have taken advantage of everything welfare has to offer so I can go to school full time and then some. I am extremely frustrated with the system, and ready to get the you know what away from it. It seems that the more you try to help yourself, the less they do for you. I tell them I am going to school full time...they cut my benefits. My cousing who has a billion kids, doesn't work, never plans to, tells them she's pregnant, and they add on another 100 bucks and give her more cash every month. How in the world does that make any sense at all. No wonder ppl take advantage of the system, look at how screwed up it is. Punish you for trying to do better, reward all the lazy slobs. YUCK!  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Junk food is evil anyways...lol they shouldn't be buying junk food with food stamps. They use spend those wisely since they get it.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 44321    For WIC it stops after the child is 5.  
Date: 6/14/2004 4:55:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i ask this, if the goverment is so worried about what ppl spend on what where, why dont they help our veterans that are homeless and have nothing 1/3 of veterans are homeless, our gov is jacked up and gia i agree with u 100%  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    I am one who at one time did use foodstamps, and also WIC. I was an E-4 in the service, with a wife and kid, stationed in an area that had a high cost of living (that is how we got on foodstamps). Being in the military, I did work full time. In fact, I was on active duty 24/7. My wife also worked, but because of the area we lived in, it was still near impossible at that time to make ends meet. When we went to the store, we bought the same groceries as we had bought at our previous duty station out of our own pocket. It always included ice cream, a package of cookies, and something to snack on for weekend afternoons. We were not on food stamps because we wanted to be, but because we were assigned to a place where military personnel struggled just to meet their daily needs. To tell someone in a situation like that they cannot buy their ice cream or cookies is asinine.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    u go two spirits i agree 100%%%%  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 50434    I think that they figure that if we the tax payers are paying for there food they can spend there money wisely and on healthy food and not waster money on junk food. If someone wants a cske for there child and it that poor to buy it they need serious help, its doesnt cost but like 3 bucks to get some cake mix. I am very defensive when it comes to the welfare system. I seen to many people who deserve help not get it and those who could work get new cars, houses and what not. Touchy subject and it will never be perfect for anyone....  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Maybe we should take all the food we dump off in Africa every month and feed it to the people here who need food stamps... Better yet we could set up a cafeteria type thing that delivers three meals a day- If your hungry you'll make it there! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    OH about the school cafeteria food, it is high in carbs, because some kids don't get breakfast, and it is suppose to fill the kids up so they can learn better, thats why it's usually chilli dogs, burritos, stuff like that! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Sorry didn't mean to say the kid doesn't deserve it- meant to say they don't need it! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I HAVE A 3 YEAR old son, and I know how they want and want and want. Beleive me, I hear it all day long. But he knows that he can't always have what he wants. I am lucky- i will admit, becausse my husband works hard, and I have an income, so we never really want for anything, but beleive me there were times. I buy my son treats regularly, but I guarantee you that if something happened, and money was tight, he would be just fine with strawberries, or home made french fries. He would be happy with a homemade cake. Kids don't love you because you buy them chips, soda's and candy- they love you because you take care of them. So what if you can't afford a Milky Way, thats when you go home, and you fix them something to warm thier bellies, and you play hide and seek with them! They won't remember not having the milky way in ten years, but they will remember you taking the time to show them they are loved! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    The problem is people don't want to cook, they want to pick up something quick, and easy. Instead of buying stuff to make hamburgers, and french fries, they buy the stuff ready to deep fry. You can slice up a potato and make fries, and you can make hamburger patties. Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 53360    my neighbor is trying to get on food stamps, and shes in the navy reserves. she pretty much lives on her military pay. Food stamps are not only for lazy ppl unwilling to work. Alot of ppl need food stamps to live..incase the republicans havent notcied, its hard to find a job these days.  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    stop it with the "why do you have the internet then" stuff...helloooo, ppl do have friends and relatives with computers....if you go to college there are puters there....grants will help you buy a computer...mine was pretty much free, thanks to grants, and I tell you what, it has come in handy for school! lol.  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    u go kozz, my thing is it isnt only PPL who are just sitting on there butt, YOU HAVE TO WORK to be on food stamps, what about or military ppl now have to be on foodstamps, elderly ppl. they pay there taxes, who cares what they buy, AND THE REASON THERE DOING THIS is because they dont want pplp to be obese, hello why dont they step in and give free gym, free after school programs for kids, pay the gas it takes to take ur child to the park, how can u say that someone pays there TAXES has to go on what the goverment wants them to eat. and liz, Got Mike is my fiance' and he made 3,000 a month and we had no worries and if i was rich and never had to worry about anything i would still fight this, goverment has more problems going on this country then if ppl are buying cheerios or cocoa puff, for god sake goverment needs to focous on REAL problems, our economy is going to hell in a hand basket and worrying about how much carbs take in, even if u didnt have food stamps and u are poor ur still gonna buy poor food that has high fat in it  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:39:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    yes gia, my mom is disabled, and she gets free net and that has nothing to do with any of this, this is simple rich will get richer and the poor poorer most ppl shut there eyes to these issues  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 40509    I am a single working mother and I get foodstamps. I have a part-time job and I have to pay bills and rent off my limited income. I get $200 a month on food stamps, I will not complain if this happens because I buy healthy food. But, if my son wants some ice-cream or chips, I think he would deserve it. There are people who work hard like me, but, still needs the assistance.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    R u serious? A fatty food tax? wow.....  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    food stamps come out of tax payers money, correct??????? so therefor they pay for it soooooooooooooooooo it isnt a hand out, and clinton changed the law if ur on gov assistance u must work, so there paying for it, and it is a issue about military,disabled, and elderly ppl, they paid taxes just like everyone else why shouldnt they get assistance for awhile u cant be on welfare forever anymore which i AGREE 100% clinton passed all these laws for a reason, but targeting what they can eat is insane, why doesnt bush take someone of that 80 billion dollars and pay his military ppl more, then they wouldnt be forced to be on foodstamps  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 40509    There are people who do really need it, it took me 5 months to get foodstamps, and just because of my last name they thought I didnt need them. I was nine months pregnant, unable to work, and living by myself. They are really helping me get on my feet, and, I think it's great.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:09:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    so ur boss gives u, ur paycheck should he be allowed to say how and what u spend it on?  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:10:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    if they cared about ppl who are on welfare they should raise the foodstamps then put in effect u can buy healthy food, im not against ppl buying healthy food, u can not afford to buy all healthy on limited ammount of food stamps  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Wow, well, I don't think that will help as far as cutting down on the number of obese ppl, but I do agree with the tax. If I look at it that way, in regars to food stamps, I can see where the supporters of of the food stamp issue are coming from. BTW, I wanted to add, WIC is an a good program BUT I don't think a family could survive off of what they allow you to buy for a month. I mean, you can only do so much with it. Here in Texas you get 3 gallons of milk, 2 lbs of beans, 2 cartons of eggs, 2 large boxes of cereal, 6 frozen apple juice or orange juice cans of concentrate, and 2 lbs of cheese. Is it like this in all of the other states, or do you get more?  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    please excuse my spelling errors, i know it makes it hard to understand what I am saying, geesh  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 40509    Im in Florida and that's all we get plus formula and cereal.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    WHAT do you consider healthy ???? I am sure that the government is talking about chips, candy, cokes. I am sure you can buy cereal because it has nutritional value, even the crappy kid cereals are good for them. I am thinking that buy saying junk food we are talking about JUNK FOOD. I am sure the government doesn't mean you have to live off HEALTHY CHOICE... LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    WIC is to help not support!!!!!!! Food stamps are supppose to be temporary not a life style..... LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:16:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    ok liz do u feed ur kids corn dogs? that is on that list so give me a break!!  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    This goes back to the arguement of responsibility! If you want something - work for it.... If you want cokes, and candy, and junk food, buy it...... LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Actually no - hotdogs are very unhealthy!  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    dude, coke is neccesity in my case. I need the caffeine to stay awake during lectures. I definately need it to stay awake while I am jamming a needle in someones vein, or inserting a catheter. wouldn't be too nice if I got all drowsy and fell asleep on a patient. haha. sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 40509    I dont think corndogs should be considered junkfood, I thought you were talking about candy bars and stuff like that  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:20:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    u know what liz i work 45 hours a week mike worked 70 and WE work, i have not always had money but why even bring this up i think the goverment should worry about MORE important things  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    You know, people can live off of healthy food, we don't do it, because we are American and we love junk food, but i think that if I was DIRT POOR, and Had NO MONEY AT ALL ,,,, I would be so thank ful for anything i received! I sure wouldn't be upset because I couldn't buy a KIT KAT. Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    well, they serve hotdogs at school, so I don't buy that. It's beef, or something close enough to it. Thats not junk.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Your entitlted to that money if you fall on hard times though.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:22:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    liz it isnt only candy and soda, it is frozen pizza, corn dogs, hamburger all these are classified as junk poor ppl cant afford to buy chicken, pork, fish everyday of my life  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    So is your problem with food stamps, or the government????????????????????????????????? Sounds like you have a chip on your choulder! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    shoulder rather ----  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    thats right liz stated she tried to get on food stamps, aparently she made to much money or had to many valubale things, she seems mad she didnt get foodstamps, and liz as far as the goverment i do have a problem with ppl steping in and trying to change someone elses life, i pay taxes like u and base, and i know i dont have a problem with if they buy there kid a corn dog, or frozen pizza  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I spend roughly 100 a week at the grocery store for my husband, my child, and I. I buy junk food of coarse, but the point is, ITS MY MONEY, and thats how i choose to spend it. You are getting 55 dollars a week, and you say you pay taxes, well heck so do I , where's my 55 dollars a week for my three year old???????????????? i think I am being jipped??????? And I can't even get a tax break cause we make too much!!!! I can't get free education, or anything else... GEE maybe I shouldn't have gotten married, and worked my butt of to make money.... rather sit at home, and enjoy a free ride! LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:27:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    The goverments argument is there doing this because of over weight ppl, what next? how are they gonna stop over weight ppl? last i checked this is america, i walk, i run if i wanna be fat i will be, this is america  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Yeah Kristen, I work hard, as does my husband, we pay child care, go to school, and makes ends meat, and let me tell you I worked my way here. BUT IT DOES GET annoying when I hear people complain about the help they do Get because they are a single mother, or unemployed, or whatever. I am not saying they shouldn't get help, I am saying they shouldn't be picky about it! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:29:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    LIZ i dont have kids, i stepped in and took over raising my nephew, i didnt always have someone helping me, and not every woman is as lucky as u to have a husband make good money and raise a kid, thats the point u make enough money u dont need to be on foodstamps!! what about these single parents that have no family to help them  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    There are lots of people who struggle, and they appreciate every thing they can get! It just sounds like you are mad about receiving a gift frm the government because they want to regulate it! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:31:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    listen im not complaining, i buy my nephews toys, pay the bills over his head, im lucky enough to work and have money, not alot but enought to get by, but im talking about ppl who have no way out they depend on that to live, who are u to say they cant buy a corndog  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I think it is great you are raising your nephew, it's respected by me, but I am sure you can provide for him with or without that 55 bucks.... right!!! So take the fifty five, and buy good healthy food for him. Buy the boy a candy bar. I'll send you five bucks, but him a month supply... LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    The current administration (gov't) inherited this problem..not invent it. Clinton implemented his 4 to 5 year and at the same...true to color- raised taxes. So now we pay more taxes. Bush comes in and after a year, gives several millions of Americans a tax break. Not everybody got one. A lot of people did. Congress at that time, led by Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschel (D) along with the Democratic controlled Senate, asked everyone to send their refund checks back to the government.LOL. Did anyone do it? Of course not. I work hard for my money, just like my neighbor, just like you. At 40 hours a week, they're gonna money from your check. At 70 hours a week they're gonna take MORE money out of your check.Why? Clinton raised taxes. Would I like to know what the gov't is doing with my money? Yes. If I were receiving benefits from the gov't, would I be obligated to follow their rules? Sure. Just like any child living under my roof, under my support, would be obligated to follow my rules. My mom raised me. We didn't have much. We didn't have anything. I didn't like it then, but I appreciate it now. This is obviously not a program implemented by the Conservative Party, and yet they always seem to get the blame. Why? -Damon
Date: 6/14/2004 7:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    You know there are so many organizations to help the less fortunate. CHURCH groups are wonderful for buying Christmas, and donating money - people take advantage of that too...... I don't know anyone, NOT ONE PERSON that couldn't afford to buy a cookie for thier kid..... I know people of all life styles. Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i dont buy junk food for him as classified by me with that 55 dollars i buy him, eggs, milk, cereal, juice, corn dogs, chicken nuggets, and maybe a thing of popcicles, but thats me, and that 55 helps extreamly because i have a car,insurance,rent, my moms rent, my moms bills and everything else so i have to skip a bill every month but i do buy him candy every now and then, my point is who cares if ppl give there children doritos, u wouldnt like it if someone told u how to raise ur children, my mother is disabled and i take care of her and my nephew i have more on my shoulders then most ppl, and im only 21 so yeah i will fight for the poor ppl on foodstamps as long as i have air in my lungs, some ppl have to live off foodstamps and make them last because they have no other income because there in school, ext ext, who cares what they buy  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    liz i know there are ppl who abuse it, and damon that is a whole different subject clinton had us on the surplus bush has blown 80 million dollars on a war, where they have there hands tied, with no way out because they lied, like i said only ppl who this effects will care and ppl who dont need help, of course they dont care, but let them step in and try to stop them from driving, because it causes polution oh lord then they will stand up
Date: 6/14/2004 7:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    I don't know, I just want to be able to buy a box of popscicles and some oatmeal pies for my kid, because that's what he likes to eat for snacks in addition to fruit and baby carrots. I don't want anybody telling me I can't even buy some friggin popscicles. That's all. *sighs*  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Okay --- listen this is the problem I have... Sure there are some people out there who have issues...... sure! BUT there are more people who like to ride the system, and I dont think it is fair...... I think it would be wonderful for the government to regulate what people buy when it comes to spending government money!!!! Sorry - but drug dealers, and people who work for cash under the table can ride the systme for years. IS THAT FAIR????? NO! It teaches thier children how to ride the system, and bam, we have generations of lazy people who wont work for anything. Maybe it will force some lazy loq life to geet a job! WHo knows..... I just think that if you can afford to smoke, afford to go to the movies, afford to go out to eat, afford tattoo's, afford the internet, afford luxeries, the government shouldn't hand you money for food. Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    would you rather starve than eat healthy foods!!!!! LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:46:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    liz... if i had money to go to the movies i would be extremly happy i dont have extra money for anything i had 10 dollars left over last month and it went towards a past due bill! and like i said some ppl abuse the system but everyone i know on foodstamps can hardly live above water  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    ok liz, say the average person gets 100 bucks a month for food, u can buy 5 pounds of hamburger and some potatos, cheap mac and cheese that will last u almost a month or take that 100 bucks and buy healthy food that will last u a week and a half!! ok i say if they wanna do that, thats fine raise there stamps so they can afford it, u know as well as everyone in the world healthier food cost more  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    HAMBURGER MEAT WOULD NOT BE LISTED..... i dont think they are saying you have to live off healthy choice, or slim fast bars dear! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    no, I have to disagree. regulating what ppl can buy on foodstamps will not make the drug dealers or any other person riding the system get a real job. for some reason...it's those ppl who will find a way around it, and will still remain on assistance. To ppl like that, food stamp money is to buy meat: chicken, ribs, steaks, stuff like that so they can have a big cookout on the weekend and feed all the other jerks from around the way instead of feeding their families.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    Clinton had us on a surplus. There again, because he raised taxes. And the more you keep raising taxes to build that surplus, the less money people are going to spend because its going to the gov't, not in their wallets. So when the next president is elected and he lowers taxes to give people's wallet a break...what happens? And as far as Bush lying, well... I can't recount all the "Gates" that happened between 1992-2000. But I'll help anyone to the furtherest extent that I can. To the point of giving them the shirt off of my back. But giving a group of people the right to decide where gov't money goes, but not giving that right to the other billion people is just a little unfair in my eyes. I don't want to see kids go hungry. No one does. But if the gov't tells me I've got to eat tangerines because they're paying for it until I can afford a box of double stuffed oreos...hand me a knife and a napkin... I'm going to start peeling tangerines. And if you're not conservative...FoxNews will always be your worst enemy, because most of their anchors, and Bill O'Reilly are just to the right of Genghis Khan. -Damon
Date: 6/14/2004 7:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    liz.... ok i didnt mean this to get ugly but there point isssssssss BECAUSE THERE OVER WEIGHT! cheap food makes u fat, true? ok then why take what little they have and make them buy healthy food, even if say ok u cant have this but u can buy cheap mac and cheese and hamburger how is that gonna solve anything ????? if u dont have money u have to buy cheap food, and i guarentee they have the highest fat content  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    LOL DAMON! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:53:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    damon im not touching this one i would argue till pigs flew, lol thats fine u dont like clinton but i loved him  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    lol, I am curious....what exactly is healthy food? are we talking veggie burgers, and tofu, and veggie weenies and what not? All I know is that some of the produce is outrageously priced. Oh. something that is healthier than hamburger meat, is ground turkey, it's cheap and no one can tell the difference. Also, Wal Mart has a bag of leg quarters for like 4 bucks...I think thats pretty cheap for chicken.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    LMAO @ Damon!  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    cheerios, pork chops, round steak, potatoes, bread, peanut butter, jelly, oarange juice, cheese, milk, brocolli, carrots, tuna fish, beans, rice, soup, speghetti, roast, chicken friend steak, IT all has nutritional value..... I think you would be able to buy these things, amongst lots of other stuff...... LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:57:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    gia, my friend i agree with u, no more point to argue with this :-) me and u are on the same page  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    Oh yeah I hear ya... conservatives, liberals, we all have to live in the world together.. It's that yen/yang balance. I'm not gonna hold anyone's president against them. Take care. -Damon
Date: 6/14/2004 7:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    I think they should worry more about the people who spend $76 (food stamps) on steaks, yes steaks! I saw it at a meat market, I was floored, 76 bucks with a food stamp card on STEAKS. I could have fed my family of 5 for a week on what they spent on steaks. I have been on food stamps before, I have bought junk food with those food stamps. I also planned a monthly menu and made sure we had our meals before I bought any junk food. Now we arent on food stamps and money is tight and we will still buy our kids goodies, not a daily thing but they still get them and honestly I dont think they miss the can of green beans I could have bought instead.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    I was just wondering what ppl here were considering healthy, I thought there might have been a difference in opinion. I agree with you LIZ, most of those things I buy. I usually spend $10 bucks every 2 weeks on stuff that is considered junk.  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    I just think that we are not understanding each other...... I dont think you have heard a word I have said- but hey its all good! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    LMAO Damon, that comment cracked me up *hugs*  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    Like always DMK, I agree with your statement...what is up with the ppl stocking up for cookouts?  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    Kristen, I am not trying to down you - I want you to know that ---- sorry of i offended you , or Gia... just a disagreement, not a war! I love your petry, and hey maybe we can have another debate that will keep us from doing our chores.... take care- good night! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    Wow Liz you can afford pork chops? Youre living the high life.  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    Oh lord Gia I can with out a doubt tell the difference between hamburger and ground turkey. At one point that was the only meat we could afford and with any luck I will never have to eat it again! *GAG*  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    [email protected] what are you saying...you hate turkey or ground beef? lol  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    Ground turkey! *gags again*  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    lol....it's not too bad, but i bet I will feel the same way once I am getting a decent paycheckBTW, where's Stacie?  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 11341    I havent seen her in a very long time and I have no way of checking on her.  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:58:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    liz its fine im just a firm believer dont say anything till u have walked a mile in someone elses shoes, no hard feelings thanx about my poetry  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 19460    well i can understand it to a point. have you ever been in line behind someone with a basket full of cokes and chips and ice cream and then whip out their EBT card? That is sad. They should buy nutritious foods. Also they used to not be allowed to buy food that is already prepared such as fried chicken or sub sandwiches, ect. in the grocery stores. Now there are more and more foods they can buy that are already made. If we are feeding these people the least they could do is cook their own food. I think it would be a good idea to maybe ration the junk food. Like their EBT card take account of what types of food they buy and make it where they cant buy just junk.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 19460    BTW welfare is getting rediculous! You DONT have to have a job to get food stamps. Maybe in your state you do, but where I live you dont. Plus, if you dont have a car here in this state and you get welfare and food stamps, they will buy you a nice used car. Sheesh wish someone would hand me over a car! Here we are struggling and driving crap for cars while some people ride in nice cars and get food stamps and welfare so they can sit on their behinds and eat T bones! I cant stand getting in line behind someone in the store buying junk with "our" money. Maybe my kids would like a T bone?  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    WHAT???? They will buy these ppl cars? Now that's insane. I had to cry and beg for someone to lend me one to get to and from school, and they might need it at any time. Isn't there a certain criteria for that...like you have to be attending school or have a job where you commute?  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    I can just say id gladly pay more for food stamps... if it helps people, whatever. This debate is making me sick. I can tell by the remarks most of you wouldnt care about someone that had it worse than anything you have ever seen, its "not your problem." What comes around goes around. I have been rich and I have been poor. Im glad I have experienced both. Either way I have always been giving to people though. I dont think junk food is the issue anyways, reform of who gets assistance should be. I dont see why they are worrying about junk food. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT. Junk food, my god. They would get the same amount of money anyways. THE SAME AMOUNT. Healthy or not. That is the whole point. YOU WILL STILL BE PAYING THE SAME TAXES. They need to fix WHO GETS HELP. Making sure POOR get it... not con artists. that is the whole problem. Fix that, keep whatever food you want. I mean, common sense. From reading it seems to me some are angry because they cant get it and its unfair. OMG... if you can get it, you can.. if not.. then you cant. Apparently thats the WHOLE problem though. WHO GETS IT.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 9:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    I think Got Mike? has a very valid point. That is exactly where the problem lies...with those who are taking the system for a ride.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:30:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i agree with mike, i have been on both sides of the fence my mom had lots of money owned her own buisness, we had everything now she is disabled, and she gets her SS which she payed for and she doed get food stamps and that isnt even enought i help her out as much as pos, so whatever i stick to my guns, if u have never walked in there shoes u have no opinion  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    lol like i said not everyone on food stamps needed them like life or death, like gia is a perfect example, she needs it to get through school, why should she be told what to buy?  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 62383    ok... this is about obesity? who brought back Hitler? If this is about reforming obesity then I guess they shouldnt make food that will make you fat anymore. If i was poor and i wasnt allowed to eat like anyone else, no one should be... yeah that sounds great. How about we just line up fat people and shoot them in the head. Who is with me!!?!? Its a revolution on FAT POOR people! If your going to shoot a fat person, how about shoot the fat rich person right with them. &*#( that.
Got Mike?
Date: 6/14/2004 9:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I'm pretty sure when they say "junk food" they don't mean everything that is sweet or contains sugar. Food stamps are given to provide nutrition to those who cannot provide for themselves due to some circumstance. There have ALWAYS been limitations on what a person can buy with food stamps. If there weren't any...some people would abuse the system more frequently than what is currently being done by some and they'd buy things like beer and chewing gum. I mean, if someone is giving you money for food and they say "please by healthy food with this"...what's wrong with that? After all, they are giving them the ability to buy food and if not for this system, they'd go without. To me, this says they care about what these people eat and that the money the contribute to this cause is used wisely. I don't see a problem here.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:44:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    poor??????? lmao u ever stepped foot in the bronx? places like that are WAY poor, maybe our country should worry about whats going on in our own country rather then how much oil they can sniff out of iraq, yes this is about over weight ppl, then they should shut down every mcdonalds burger kings and everyother fast food place, u cant buy that with food stamps and ppl are fat from that?  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:50:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    oh i forgot it isnt ur problem thats what u said, but u have to take care of things in ur own house before u step out and try to help someone else, i believe these ppl who are complaining on changing what we eat should stick there nose in ppl who are homeless and poor, and i mean poor, 1/3 of homeless ppl are veterans isnt that sad, why reach out and help other country's when we cant help ourselves  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i pay for everything i have and its none of anyones buisness what i do, see my point more important things are going on in the world then someone stepping in and trying to control what u eat, come on  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:01:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i never said they shouldnt be helped but i do more then enough in my extra time to help out, my whoooooole point to this is WE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD then someone trying to take doritos or icecream off there shopping list, why doesnt the goverment help those ppl, oh i forgot there spending 87 billion dollars for oil when they could be feeding those starving children  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    hey, is everyone ok? try not to get too worked up over this...it hasn't gone into effect, it's just one state so far...not the end of the world or anything. Just don't want anyone to get too worked up...I know the whole welfare issue is touchy for alot of ppl...be cool (((hugs)))  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    HOw did voting for Bush get into this conversation? Am I on the right post? Just kidding...  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    I say we take away the stamps altogether and just distribute government cheese instead.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    yes amanda there are ppl worse off, i never said that my point is we have so much in our world that is soooo much more important then this why make a big thing over what someoen buys? i dont think bush cares to much for ppl in africa starving or in russia, if he could pull his nose out of iraq for 2 seconds and help someone who needs it insted of himself  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    i told u, stop all the mcdonalds and every fast food chain why pick out ppl on foodstamps? not just ppl on foodstamps are fat, like i said 70% are over weight why targer ppl on foodstamps?  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I was on foodstamps only, many years ago for one month. I found a job after two weeks of accepting the stamps and then wrote a letter telling them to discontinue my allowance of them. I will say I was very grateful to receive them and it didn't bother me at all that I couldn't buy certain items or certain types of food with them. Just as it wouldn't bother me now if I had to go on them for some unknown reason and was told I couldn't buy candybars and pop. I like the old saying..."don't bite the hand that feeds you," I think it applies to this issue pretty well.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 28190    I dont really care about what people buys... The Gov't might, and that is their perrogative since they are providing the oppurtunity. Now, if ya meant this post.. You posted it, I have only replied 4 times, so I cannot answer that for ya hun. *hugs*  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    here is another one, take the tv's away, the computers.. when i grew up i played outside, today kids would rather sit on there butt and play, playstation, watch tv, play online there are alot of reasons why target FOODSTAMP ppl  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:12:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    well loli have alot of rich and poor ppl in my family its about 50/50 and i would say there is hardly anyone in my family obese  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    Good answer Amanda... "Y'all Want a Single" LOL. There it was! Night night. -Damon
Date: 6/14/2004 10:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    So lets see... we outlaw fast food chains and let people buy twinkies with food stamps instead. I know! Why don't we just institute a system where there is no private industry and all government handouts. We can call it... Communism... yeah. I like the ring of that. I'm sure people living in this system would never have any problems!  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    Kristen Kay, obesity is MOST problematic among the poor. You can read about several case studies indicating this... "http://www.sirc.org/articles/poverty_and_obesity.shtml"  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 53558    I can't give an answer to this question, as I live in the UK...  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    So the government now gets to tell us what we can and can't eat so that people can buy twinkies with foodstamps.... I'm not following  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    im not talking about junk food about candy and such i mean fozen pizza, corn dogs, chicken nuggets come onnnn  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    well, from what I am reading on it....this whole thing was denied anyways, and the foods they were referring to were candy and carbonated soft drinks.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    When you think about it....corndogs and pizza are junkfood. They don't really offer much nutritionally. If they don't allow these now, it's probably because they're seeing far too many people buying a mojority of these types of foods with their card. I mean, if a person is buying 10 pizzas and 1 bag of veggies every week with their card...they DO NEED nutritional guidance and regulation. These foods will also fill you up quickly but make you eat more later. These are high carb and calorie foods which will not sustain the body very long.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    In a strongly worded response sent Tuesday and received by state officials Friday, the USDA turned back the request. Regional administrator Ollice Holden wrote that the agency had determined the change sought was based on "questionable merits" and would violate the Food Stamp Act's definition of what is food.**The agency also determined that a ban could help stigmatize food stamp recipients and lead to "confusion and embarrassment" in the checkout aisle.**"Moreover, implementation of this waiver would perpetuate the myth that (program) participants do not make wise food purchasing decisions," when research has shown they are "smart shoppers" who buy mostly the same foods as higher income buyers. ()Part of an article I was reading.)
Date: 6/14/2004 10:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    I just don't think frozen fast foods would be included, I am still looking though. Kristen let us know if you find the link.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    it's weird...I was reading, if something is made from with flour it's not taxed. Like a Kit Kat isn't taxed, whereas a Hershey's bar does get taxed because it contains no flour. Very strange.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 6867    *made with flour. ok i'm out of it, I can't even make sense...goodnight Base, goodnight Kristen  
Date: 6/15/2004 3:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    Okay..... after reading MOST of the comments here, I will give you all my opinion, for what it is worth, lol. I have worked for the Federal Government for 24 year and I will tell you right here and right now that if my circumstances changed and I had to go on food stamps and assistance, then NO ONE would tell me whether I could buy ice cream or veggies. NO ONE, .. and just like everything else, if someone WANTS it bad enough, they will figure out a way to get it and everyone knows that. I paid in over 8000 in Federal taxes alone last year, not counting state and Social Security... I have earned the right to eat ice cream if I want to. Those who make a CAREER of being on welfare need to be reformed, not those who are actually TRYING, ya know? Gia is using the system to better herself, and I think that is GREAT! KristenKay is using it to aid in raising a child, .... I said to AID in raising the child, they work a job also... there are other here who has explained their situation ... I see nothing wrong with that. When, as a society, we start telling kids they CANNOT have ice cream/candy, when their more fortunate friends DO get it, then we arent much of a society... just my opinion.
Date: 6/15/2004 4:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    Oh and I do have to say that the CHEAP foods ARE the most fattening.. .. potatoes, beans, flour, cornmeal.. things that people can actually afford does NOT help in keeping ANYONE slim and trim, ... and that is IF they dont eat ice cream. I dont want to see our society start policing what people put in their mouths, that is just wrong.  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:16:00 AM  From Authorid: 62753    I don't think BUSh is the problem.... people forget that the president, no matter who he is, has advisors, you don't like whats happening, write your congressman, picket, whatever, but I guarantee you bush isn't going to do anything rash to mess up his re election! Lizard-1  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 62753    I have a cousin who is in the military - and been there for 8 years. He is married, with 2 children, and has been stationed all over. he is currently a warrant officer for the army, but is traveling with the marines, so I respect the military - I say give them what they want if they need it, but not some lazy bum who sits around the house all day reading the want ads, but not calling about the jobs! Ever notice how unemployeed people are picky about the jobs they will take, and then even when you do hire them, they are usually really bad employees.... LIZARD_1  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 58308    yep. that'll be next...only carrots and lettuce. What chaps my behind is that here are all of these people getting foodstamps and other help from the government and driving around in Caddy's. Yeah, they're poor and need help alright...  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 6867    hey....don't make the mistake of generalizing every person on gov. assistance ok? It's just not right. RT & Gail...where were ya yesterday when we need you? lol. Have a nice day everyone HUG-A-NURSE,  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 6867    *needed  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 4144    a lot of these food stamp rules are really stupid. i can sorta understand the junk food. i don't agree with all of that though. you should be able to buy cake mixes and baking supplies. but what about candy bars and gum and crap like that? i think you should be able to get toilet paper and soap and even trash bags. i have been in the grocery store and seen people with food stamps buying the largest steaks in the store. that don't make sense to me either. i'm not saying you shouldn't have meat but i think a lot of people get stamps that don't really need them and use them for the more expensive food. i knew a girl one time that sold her food stamps for cash. she would sell them for half of the value and she made a lot of money that way because she had four or five kids and she got enough stamps for all but she usually left the kids with her mom and didn't feed them anyway.  
Date: 6/15/2004 12:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    I know there aren't many Bush fans in this particular forum and since Bush (or the Conservative Party) didn't create this program and yet continually get bombarded for something about "oil"...I decided to make up a small list of things taxpayers spent their money on from 1992-2000 when we had such a great "surplus." Yes that surplus we had when an alarming amount of MILITARY BASES were closed, and people inside and outside lost their jobs. But hey, we had a surplus, so who's counting? Anyway, here's what we spent our money on for 8 years. (I found oil to be a lot less controversial.)- Whitewater, Travelgate, Nannygate,Cattlegate, Helicoptergate, Gennifer Flowergate, Fostergate,Web Hubbell hush moneygate, Lewinskigate, I wonder where those Whitewater billing records came fromgate. It was YOUR money then, and you couldn't tell them what to do with it. I pay taxes too. I can't tell the government what to feed your kids. No one can. Unless you're using their money, that WE all pay. Oh by the way, I'm just to the right of Genghis Khan too. (surprise surprise) -Damon
Date: 6/15/2004 2:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    people in poverty have the higher rates of obesity because junk food, quite frankly, is cheaper. I think the food stamp program might as well do as WIC and educate people on now to buy healthy and economically, as well as limiting the types of foods that people buy. This doesn't mean that kids have to eat wheat bran and drink carrot juice. WIC allows for kid friendly options-- for instance, cheerios, which are lower in sugar, whole fruit juices, etc.  
Date: 6/15/2004 2:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    and I don't think the government should start policing what people eat,either, but if you're getting assistance, then you gotta live by certain rules on how to spend the money. That's the nature of the beast. Anyone try to buy beer with their food stamps?  
Date: 6/15/2004 2:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    well gia u will be glad to know they denied it lol which they should have never heard anything so retarded in my life, atleast there are still normal ppl out there that see this is not just a foodstamp problem kk  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    Kristen, I think that you are looking at the situation the wrong way. If the government gives you $100 a month for food stamps it is because they have determined that your income can take care of X amount and they give you the difference to live off of. They aren't going to give you ALL the money to pay for the whole thing, they expect that you budget your money wisely because you are responsible for the rest.  
Date: 6/15/2004 8:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    yes yes, i know but if u have a 100 to spend to feed 3 ppl and u can stretch that if u buy hamburger, mac and cheese, stuff like that, u try buying healthy food on 100 a month when i was younger all i ate was healthy stuff and ill tell u i spent 3x the amount on that, like i said i havebeen on both sides here  
Date: 6/15/2004 9:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    obesity is an illness. That's like saying the battle to combat breast cancer is discrimination.  
Date: 6/16/2004 9:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    So because you aren't making up your half of the bill for food and you are trying to make that stretch, it's the whole welfare system that's messed up and they should be handing out more food stamps so you can be able to purchase the healthier food? Did I catch that right?  
Date: 6/16/2004 9:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    Don't misunderstand me. I support the welfare system for those who need it such as the elderly and the disabled and I think those people are the ones that are hurt by the system the most. They don't have the option of skipping the electric payment to buy more food, get more medicine and such the way that others can and "make" it up next paycheck. I think that the ratio standard needs to be adjusted and more services should be given to them and less to the able bodied that are quite capable of working multiple jobs if that's what it takes to get by.  
Date: 6/16/2004 9:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 62744    Basically it was about the government wanting kids to eat healthier because of the growing obesity scare. And some of the parents of these kids don't want the government telling them what kind of food they can buy with food stamps. And the reason being because they are working too and feel they should be able to buy what they want. On the other hand, there are billions of other people who pay for these children too, and they don't get a say in it either. It's a government (Democrat) program, so let the government decide.
Date: 6/17/2004 3:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 47296    I will say this and leave it at that. People gripe because some people in America abuse the welfare system and food stamps. Personally, I would rather see some here abuse it, than see our taxpayer dollars going overseas in the way of foreign aid, where corrupt governments use that money for their own means, rather than using it to help those in their country in need.  
Date: 6/17/2004 11:34:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    amen Sprirt  
Date: 6/17/2004 4:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I wouldn't, I'd rather see our money go to ANYONE that is appreciative of ANY food they receive...even if it's only rice, cheese and bread. Unfortunately, many that would truly appreciate this aren't americans. Many americans are lazy, unappreciate, greedy and WAY too comfortable living off hand-outs. We've always had something to fall on and so welfare will and always has been abused by many. I used to collect on welfare fraud and I can tell you, it's amazing what people will do to get a handout. IF those peole had worked as hard at stealing from welfare as they did at getting a job, they would've been rich. It's an easy and sometimes innocent way of life to fall into for others...you get assistance and you become accustomed to it and then all of the sudden, it's not enough. All of the sudden you expect more, it's human nature and it does need to be controlled. We didn't get to be one of the "fattest nations" in the world from stocking up on veggies and meat and being overlly preoccupied with job hunting and physical activities. Since I was there personally for a short period in my life and was given foodstamps...I know how easy it could've been to take a little extra time to find a job or just continue to get help. No, not everyone can get off welfare due to medical conditions or serious financial problems and they're the ones who truly deserve this assistance. Unfortunately, many more in my opinion, can and don't get off assistance because they feel they've earned it. Chances are though, for those that abuse the system, they haven't paid out as much in taxes as they've taken in on welfare. As for these "bad apples," some may be unintentionally allowing themselves to be so. They may always find an excuse to receive aid...not all but some. All I can say is, that I was grateful for the month I was given foodstamps wasn't upset that I couldn't buy hershey bars and coke and yes, the healthy foods did cost more. The thing to remember though, is that healthy foods have been PROVEN to sustain the body for onger periods of time. Therefore, buying more junkfood will give a person less when the day is done and will ultimately cost more.  
Date: 6/17/2004 4:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    **my last few sentences should've read... "The thing to remember is, that healthy foods have been PROVEN to sustain the body for LONGER periods of time. Therefore, buying more junkfood will give a person less when the day is done and will ultimately cost more."  
Date: 6/17/2004 4:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Junkfood has also been PROVEN to make the body hungrier.  
Date: 6/17/2004 5:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    instead of buying the junk food, you should learn to make treats out of healthier stuff like fruit, apple sauce, veggies, less junky snack foods-- graham crackers, pretzels, etc. You'll instill your kids with healthier snacking habits and they'll thank you in the long run.  
Date: 6/17/2004 6:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    doesnt really matter, it was denied anyway, i believe ur children and there health are there own parents biz  
Date: 6/17/2004 6:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    I agree with You Choose.  
Date: 6/17/2004 6:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    Just because it didn't pass, doesn't mean that it doesn't matter.  
Date: 6/17/2004 6:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    not when the parents are getting a handout from the government.  
Date: 6/17/2004 6:50:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    matters to me, ppl shouldnt be punished because there at a point in there life they need help, not everyone has money or family to help, i say we have more important things going on then ppl to worry about ppl on foodstamps, i do atleast i say leave them alone goodness, it isnt changing my life  
Date: 6/17/2004 7:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    There's also more important things to worry about in life other than being entitled to buy junkfood. Most people that are on welfare also receive a monthly check for personal items and necessities. So, it's not like they wouldn't be able to buy junkfood at all.  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:46:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    you choose, in Florida u do not get money u get a untility alowance and that goes to ur bills u do not get the money, i think everystate is different when my were were on fs's for 4 months we didnt get money  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:47:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    oops typo there when we were on foodstamps*  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Of course YC, you would never agree with anything I post. Never have, never will. That's OK though, it's your loss.  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    not to mention that obesity IS a huge deal. More and more people are developing heart disease in their teens-- something that doesn't normally strike till late in life-- and it is set to take over as the number one cause of death. Pretty grim statistics and a valid reason for grave concern.  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 47218    oh yes, and when the problem is striking poor people more than anyone else, then some kind of action needs to be taken.  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    TS....I have NO CLUE what you're referring to here. I wasn't responding to any of your comments on this post.  
Date: 6/17/2004 8:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I now see what you were referring to TS. I don't see why that bothers you. I simply don't agree with your view about not feeding or providing for those in other countries, nothing personal.  
Date: 6/17/2004 9:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    TS...one more thing, I have agreed with your views on issues in the past but no matter what or how I say that, you still find error in my words. As for my having a loss by disagreeing with you? I don't think so...it's called a difference of opinion, nothing more.  
Date: 6/18/2004 6:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    Where did all of Base's comments go?  
Date: 6/18/2004 6:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    Not being allowed to buy junk food when you are receiving a hand out is NOT punishment.  
Date: 6/18/2004 6:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    Parents need to instill a good work ethic in their children and stop raising freeloaders.  
Date: 6/18/2004 11:55:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    AZ, i recent that comment, my mom worked 3 jobs and got food stamps for a short time, and im not a freeloader, my dad wasnt around and we had to make it, not everyone on foodstamps are freeloaders, kk  
Date: 6/18/2004 12:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    KK, there wasn't even any indication that my comment was directed AT you. It was a simple comment to the post.  
Date: 6/18/2004 12:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    this post is about ppl on foodstamps and ppl think ppl on foodstamps are lazy, and they are freeloaders that isnt the case, i was hit by a car when i was ten, my mom was working 3 jobs, but when that happened my mom had to quit because she had to help me, i was in the hospital for 6 weeks and then i needed help i couldnt even walk after it, so when i got back on my feet my mom went back to work and we were off foodstamps, there are some freeloaders that may abuse the system, but no one knows these ppl's lives and why there on foodstamps, it isnt something u are proud of kk  
Date: 6/18/2004 12:41:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    this is to everyone, i thank u for ur comments even if i dont agree with u, i love to hear everyones point of view, thats the great thing about america we have freedom of speech  
Date: 6/18/2004 1:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    KK, seriously, there isn't anyone here that thinks that EVERYONE on foodstamps is lazy and is a freeloader. Give people a little bit of credit with the whole stereotyping thing. In fact I believe that several on the post that agreed with this bill have stated that at one time or another they too used the system.  
Date: 6/18/2004 1:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    Freedom of speech? LOL. Rather ironic when every single comment from one author was removed from the post simply because of that loving difference in opinion...  
Date: 6/18/2004 3:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 5229    lmao, freedom of speech...right...thats a good one KK.  
Date: 6/18/2004 4:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    that person was erased and he knows why AZ that had nothing to do with that, if i wanted to erase it because of the simple fact i didnt agree i would have to erase a lot of ppl on here and Goat thanks for ur comment as well :-p  
Date: 6/18/2004 4:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Why delete EVERY comment of his. Why NOT just delete those that are offensive to you, meaning a personal attack to you. I personally, never saw any of those from Base or AZ. I think you misunderstood and read into something that wasn't there. No offense meant.  
Date: 6/18/2004 4:28:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62752    you choose i didnt erase anything by AZ, i did that for another reason, and like i said he knows why, no offence to anyone on the site  
Date: 6/22/2004 6:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 23075    hmmm the comments on this post seem to be going down not up. Oh well  

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