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Horoscopes, through the 14th to the 20th ( June ) 04

  Author:  7819  Category:(Group) Created:(6/15/2004 1:55:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1351 times)

Aries-Keep one hand on your wallet and one hand on your heart. You're charming your coworkers and winning them over to your world view early on; by Wednesday, that charm could spike up to a fledging office romance if you're so inclined. Friday hits hot and steamy. Cool off over the weekend with some serious concentration on your distant goals and current moral code. Instead of drowning your sorrows in indulgences, be generous and giving with your loved ones. Invite someone special over for dinner and pour out your soul.

Leo-Your week starts off with all work and no play, but don't fret -- you more than make up for that as the days progress. Steer clear of altercations with the boss right now, as you'll just come off as stubborn rather than right. After Tuesday, make plenty of time for friends and family -- get out on the town, catch up on phone calls and generally put your energies towards those you love the most. Intellectual pursuits are especially appealing; try independent film or theater, starting a book club or catching a local poetry slam.

Sagittarius-You're in touch with your needs and able to communicate them easily. Your analytical skills peak on Tuesday -- try to get any major work deadlines finished up by then, unless your job is more creative than logical. Friday has you acting as armchair philosopher; watch that you don't ram your sage advice down your friends' throats. The weekend is tied up with relationship issues. Unless something major is at stake, try and just enjoy the days with relaxing outdoor activities. Fly kites, rollerblade or try something new like rafting or windsurfing.

Taurus-Your sex appeal and old-fashioned sensuality have lit the fires of romance -- don't let your goofy humor take over midweek and turn the passion into a parody. If you're starting a new relationship, try to take it slow at the end of the week instead of letting your excitement steamroller everyone in your path. Impatience with others can create sticky situations at work. Take a deep breath and work up a belly laugh instead of a belly ache. By the weekend, you're ready for a long meal with friends and family. Invite folks over for an early summer picnic or get yourself to the great outdoors for some sweat-inducing activity.

Virgo- With any luck, you've got a vacation planned for this week sometime -- even if your body is present at the office, your brain is wandering far and wide. If nothing else, head to an unusual spot for your evening meal and experience a different culture. Your work energies are at a peak on Thursday, and your logic and clear thinking attract your intellectual admirers by the briefcase load. It may be hard to turn off the logic on the weekend; you're walking a fine line between organizing and bossing around. Spend time with a group of close friends. You'll especially enjoy a long, chatty coffee break with those you've fallen out of touch with.

Capricorn-Unusually high creative juices are running like sap in a maple; put them to direct use at home (rather than at work) early in the week and your life will get sweeter than syrup. Communication stays clear until the weekend, but it may lead annoying people to buzz around you with pointless chatter. Tune them out and keep that cute little nose to the grindstone. Either a boss or a partner may surprise you with a kooky overreaction on Friday afternoon, so don't be surprised if the weekend is spent putting out fires that only exist in the imagination.

Gemini-Slog through the frustrations of Monday and look ahead to bright rewards by Friday. Scattered emotions and low energy are more annoying to yourself than they are to your loved ones -- don't assume anyone else is hoping for the changes you want. Midweek sees a flurry of activity and intellectual problem solving at work; this is your chance to shine and impress your boss with your creative solutions. Don't celebrate with your wallet over the weekend; praise doesn't automatically lead to a raise.

Libra-Expect time to fly this week -- you'll be having enough fun that you could blink and miss the whole thing. Straight through until Friday, your energy is flowing along nicely, you're winning friends and influencing people and generally having an excellent, productive time. Your weekend routine may go belly-up, but that's okay -- by then, you'll be set to tackle the world and take no prisoners. Share your happy self with those you love -- and even the ones you're cranky with.

Aquarius-A slow start to the week quickly comes to a rolling boil of romance. If that romance is getting started at the office, try to keep at least some part of your brain focused on your work -- your intellectual capacities will draw heaps of admiration from those around you. The weekend brings a surprising emotional upheaval; you prefer trouble to boredom, but this may be a bit much even for you. Tell your temper to chill out and try to organize the free-floating feelings that put you on this roller coaster.

Cancer- Your most social mood hits early in the week; make plans for Tuesday evening if you want to hit the town. By Thursday, you're torn between a desire to throw off your inhibitions and dance on the nearest table and an anxious need to finish all the job tasks you've started by staying late at the office. Try to resolve these conflicts by creating fun around the office and spreading a little innocent flirtation around your cubicle. The weekend sees you pulling back to your roots, with a strong desire to curl up with an old favorite book or movie and your best friend.

Scorpio- The week seesaws between career issues and personal issues, with nothing going quite the way you'd imagined. On Tuesday, you owe it to yourself to be totally honest with your sweetheart; you'll feel much better once it's all been discussed, even if it means staying up 'til the wee hours. Thursday and Friday mean business, even if you'd rather play hooky. Strike a balance between risky behavior and total caution, and you'll come out ahead. The weekend mellows out a bit, with long, relaxing conversations that leave you feeling warm all over.

Pisces-The middle of the week brings the toughest moments; retreat into your nest and bolster yourself with thoughts of your own accomplishments and strengths. Both the beginning and the end of the week are a different story -- you'll find them filled with romance, friends, connection, laughter and all the good things in life. Make time over the weekend for creative pursuits -- write a new poem, work on a painting, or sign up for a class in a brand-new topic.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 6/14/2004 2:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    Haha career! I like hearing that.. I've got so many apps out there right now I've lost track of how many and where. Cooooooooome on job!   
Date: 6/14/2004 2:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 53054    lolz interesting....thanks for the post! *hguz*  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 3688    mine sounds about right   
Date: 6/14/2004 3:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 50499    Ummmm...I really don't think my body can handle the new playtime activities...lol. Thanks  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Hm, for some reason I wasn't able to click on this post from the main page...weird  
Date: 6/14/2004 6:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Mine sounds pretty interesting. I don't like hearing about being in a tough moment though lol  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 15157    Mine sounds about right too lol  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 53558    Thank you...  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 49101    Holy Cow! That was right on the mark! LOL!
Date: 6/15/2004 7:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 62423    Thanks   
Date: 6/15/2004 8:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    sounds good It's my birthday on thursday   
Date: 6/15/2004 12:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 33573    Hmmm, interesting! Thanx   

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