Well normally i dont remember the dreams that i have...i know i dream but i just dont remember them for whatever reason....well the other night i had a dream that i actually remembered...and so when i woke up i wrote everything down because i feel that this dream had some sort of importance...it may sound a little wierd though!
Ok so there was a greenish pink tree (leaves and things) growing on the top part of my left leg, and on the right side of my stomach (from my hips upwards)...I go to the hospital, and my family come with me....we are all sitting in the waiting room...i am sitting in-between my sister and my mum...The doctor comes out, and I am holding some sort of bag, when the doctor calls my name, i give the bag to my mum, withour saying anything, and i kiss my sister on the cheak and follow the doctor!
We are in the childrens area of the hospital, but i am the age i am now 17, which is strange...The doctor goes to pick some leaves? She says that i am lucky to be in the childrens area of the hospital...and informs me as how long she has been working as a doctor in the hospital (she seems very young, but has been working for many years)...She is a kind doctor...
Then my dream changes into the hospital food court where I am with people who i have seen before and that i know...I grab a soda, and kinda feel out of place...i sit down, but dont drink the soda...
Then I am in the hospital bed...I fall asleep...when I awake I have a scar on my leg and side. I get up straight away where i walk to the food court...i left something on the table I cant remember if i saw my family again in the food court or not, however i saw the doctor who said that i must go to physical therapy every wednesday...then she adds make it monday as well...i say ok and turn to walk away...
something scares me and i wake up...
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"Dream the dreams that have never been dreamt." David Bower
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .