This is my sisters dream, and usually I can figure them out, but couldn't with this one. Can anyone help?
Dream Recap:
I was in bed asleep and woken up by some shaking *like the whole house* and I got out of bed and ran downstairs. Daddy was downstairs and he said that bombs were going off and I looked out the window and bombs were going off everywhere like crazy. I asked what was going on and he said something about an accident kicking off a war. I freaked out and we went running out to find somewhere safe to go. We ended up talking to lots of different people, too, and everyone was praying to their Gods/Goddesses about how they weren't ready to die yet. We went to the airport in an attempt to fly somewhere else and I got the lady to lend me the phone to call someone.
The call couldn't go through, though, so she called another place and told me to convince the person to double-connect me to them. *He would call them for me, basically* I flirted w/ his ego and told him I loved his radio show or something and he made the call for me, but the person wasn't there. I got really upset because whomever it was I now presumed to be dead. I didn't think about God, though. Everyone around me was scared, crying, and upset, and I was worried because I couldn't get through to one person. So daddy and I left and went to get some food and we were walking through this KFC or something and he started just getting food off the buffet table. I didn't even ask about paying, but followed his *and everyone else's, it seemed* lead and started grabbing what I wanted.
The bus-boy there was the people we were at war with, and people were picking on him and throwing food and stuff. It was really upsetting me, so we ate really quick and left. Next thing I knew, when I left the restaurant, I was at Disney World holding a map looking about where me and *Jennifer/Latonya?* were going to go. We were trying to decide what rides we'd enjoy to go to together, and we ended up picking a waterslide. While walking around the park we started talking about the "war" that had happened and how silly it all really was. Apparently it was just a scare, and nothing major occured. People just freaked out over nothing, was what we concluded. We got to the slide/ride and I went in behind her and went too soon and ended up with my feet against hers *she went down backwards,
*she went down backwards, I guess* pushing each other playfully and laughing as if war HADN'T just happened! We got to the end and I kicked her head when I landed and we laughed about it, then we were going to do another ride so we climbed out of the *pool* we landed in. I got to the edge and I looked around and she was gone. I figured maybe she went to go again so I ran to the top to find her. She wasn't there, but I went down the slide anyway, just for fun. At the end of the tunnel/ride this time, though, there was a black swamp. I could see it in front of me as I was sliding down and I started trying to turn around. I didn't want to end up there. I started getting really scared about it. Then I woke up You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 49101 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .