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Why is it so hard to belive? +cosmic freak+

  Author:  62146  Category:(Debate) Created:(6/14/2004 4:57:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1689 times)

ok people claim the lock nest monster and many other "monsters" do not exist but ok there are many specis we do not even realise exist so maybe we are wrong about the existance of these species. some creatures that are well documented were once thought to be hoxes and monsters like creaures from Australia the scientists back in england thought that people had just created a creature in a lab or somthing. and besides what is the menaing of a "monster" anyway giant squids were once once thought to be sea monsters and scients were going "they are not monsters" but what is a monster anyway. and here is another the human race is by far the strangest creaures on the face of this earth we harness lighting from the sky we tourch our food before we eat it. we go to the moon. think about other creaures are probbly haveing a hard time beliving we exist aswell.

.+*Cosmic Freak*+.

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Date: 6/14/2004 5:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 54987    I would love for the loch ness monster to exist... it is a landlocked lake and has been for a very long time. it is very deep. A famous photo was taken underwater which depicted a huge shovel-like fin exactly like a plesiosaur. I still live in hope.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 62506    Heya CF,I once lived in an area of Coloradr that was famous for its Big Foot sihgtings.For a species that supposidly didn't exist, there was sure a lot of paople comming to the area looking for him.Good observation btw, about the homoerectus species...I still don't believe that such humanoid creatures exist.What was the term for them?...the human race?...incredible! You have an insightful imagination,CF!Great post.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:41:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    Another point I would like to put down is you might be in a eara where bears get seen but not everone is going to see them.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:42:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    Koolade they probbly do exist yes the reasont hey get dissmissed is because peopel say they are a combanation of human imaganation and fear. but why is it they many completly different minds see the same thing and some do not even belive untill they did see it.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:43:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    you must have gotten alot of tourests where you lived woodshed.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 8024    I've seen bigfoot for real ... c  
Date: 6/14/2004 7:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 62624    Well, I believe in the lochness monster. did a research paper on it in high school. I also believe in sasquatch. too much proof of him, too...Kimberley  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 61013    hmmm I dont know why...  
Date: 6/14/2004 8:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 61013    I guess most people dont believe what they hear and they have to see it to believe it.  
Date: 6/14/2004 9:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 6867    Bigfoot is definatley real, i saw some extremely strange things in Oklahoma to not believe. I am hoping the Loch Ness monster exsists...but I am not so sure about that one. HUG-A-NURSE,  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 62249    I was always interested in cryptozoology. - MC Bacon  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 34912    I got razed in chat once over the Lochj Ness monster thing. I believe what I believe because of the evidence that exists. In the case of the Loch Ness for example, find the description of a plesiosaur we long thought to be extinct. We know the plesiosaur existsed once because we have it's fossils. Why is it so hard to consider that there may be some still alive? What's the big deal? I think people are afraid to look stupid so they put blinders on and refuse to think outside the box.  
Date: 6/14/2004 12:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 19613    In all fairness, if the loch ness monster existed, they would have found it by now. of course, the tourism the legend provides the area ensures that the "mystery" will continue. as for bigfoot, FAKE FAKE FAKE. do a search on usm, the guy who created the hoax died recently.  
Date: 6/14/2004 1:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    DP... I'm sorry but the world is not that simple, but you're a good example of what I'm talking about. Ignorance, willing or otherwise, is the basis for the views you posted here. First of all. The Loch Ness is very deep, cevernous, and with some of the murkiest water in the world. If there is a plesiosaur in the Loch Ness, then it's very possible that it can remain aloof. As far as bigfoot goes, the faked video you speak of is not the basis or primary evidence for the belief in this unknown creature. It comes from numerous plaster impressions collected over the past decades of footprints belonging to a yet unidentified species. There's nothing hoakey about the idea of their being an unknown very aloof speicies out there yet to be discovered.  
Date: 6/14/2004 1:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 62753    HMMMMM , I don't know! <--------------- thinking! LIZARD-1  
Date: 6/14/2004 2:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 35160    i do believe. i have seen bigfoot, one of the scariest experiences i have had. i also believe in other things, theres just way to much going on not to be open to the possiblities of new species out there.  
Date: 6/14/2004 5:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 19613    No pacific soul, ignorance is turning your back on reason and logic and embracing fantasy and superstition. Is it ignorant to believe that a species the size of a man would have at least left a body or a skeleton of some sort, instead of just footprints? Is it ignorant to believe that seeing as every other species of the dinosaur-era is extinct it is almost certain that one group of plesiosaurs, small enough to remain undetected in a lake, could survive through ice ages and climatic changes for sixty five million years.
I am afraid that when it comes right down to it, the world IS that simple.
Date: 6/14/2004 9:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 34912    DP, We're not talking about sketchy fantasy creatures like unicorns and talking dragons. In these cases, there is evidence. It is presumptuous to say that we have identified and cataloged every species out there... even the big ones. It wasn't until jsut a few years ago that the Dugong (sea cow), a prehistoric creature long thought to be extinct, was found still living in the Indian Ocean. These creatures existed all this time and yet there were No sightings, no recent fossils, no skeletons, or evidence of any kinds. In the case of the plesiosaur, there have been numerous sightings by a myriad of credible witnesses, a few photos, and even indications of the movement of large creatures in the Loch Ness from sonar readings. Does something have to be caught and stuffed in a museum before we even consider the possibility of it's existence? The Loch Ness is not the only place either. There is the creature of Lake Champlain in Canada, another group of sightings in Lake Tianchi in China. All of these sightings bear he same description. I don't know how to get around the evidence without considering the possibility that a species similar to a plesiosaur is still in existence today unless I simply ignore 'reason' and 'logic'.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I believe there are many creatures we haven't discovered. I do believe there is something to "Nessie" and the others. There have been too many sightings for too many years for it to be nothing. You're right that we think of them as monsters until we have proof they exist. It is pretty silly.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:57:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    cc 28 did u 4 reall MSG me if it is true.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:58:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    kimburly that is why I belivein int hem to because there is way to much proof they exist.  
Date: 6/14/2004 10:59:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    hmmmmmm nither pyrogirl 13.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:00:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    as pyrogirl said before hand some peopel have to see it to belive it and you saw it Gia.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    cryptozoology sorry MC Bacan what dose that mean?  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    that is another point pacsific soul because dinosours once existed if their was somthing major to have killed them out some mamals would not be here. so their is a chance some still are alive.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:04:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    thanx dark phonix 4 ur tip about the pot here? but you never know they probbly do not want to be found.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:04:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    thanx dark phonix 4 ur tip about the post here? but you never know they probbly do not want to be found.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:06:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    ok lizzard 1  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    yep shady lady it would be scary to see. :/  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:09:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    some creatures like lock nest and stuff do not want 2 b found. it is very unlikely you will find them on a tour or somthing it will be more likly to find them by accident.  
Date: 6/14/2004 11:11:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    ok a qwestion about pascfic souls and dark phonix who r argueing dark phonix why r u at a paranormal site if u do not belive in all that stuff? it is your opinyion but just asking?  
Date: 6/15/2004 5:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 19613    Well, author I don't believe that a plesiosaur or a large ape-like mammal are anything to do with the paranormal (an unsolved mystery perhaps) but since you asked, i enjoy this site because it gives me the opportunity to exchange ideas and argue with lots of people, just like i'm doing with pacific soul right now Pacific Soul, has it not occurred to you that Loch Ness depends on the legend for tourism? There's money to be made in the myth. You gave the example about the Dugong (although i believe there is a big difference between something in an ocean, and something living in a lake) but could you give any examples (particularly in relation to land creatures who have much less room to hide) about a creature that was previously thought to be myth, but later the legends surrounding its existence were prooved true?  
Date: 6/15/2004 6:38:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    ok just cheaking dark phonix. I could not find the story u told me about and BTW me and other beivers can say this yes there r hoxes that is true but it all had to start from somwhere and how coem every1 c's the same creature everytime every mind is different.  
Date: 6/15/2004 3:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 19613    Ah but cosmic freak, without skeptics like me, where would the fun be in believing?   
Date: 6/15/2004 3:44:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62146    hmmmm gues your right it only makes us freaks belive stronger and harder because we know we must be strong about our opinyions   

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