My first dream was about an house that had very small metal tin houses perfectly aligned in a staggered formation on the side and in back of it. They were all being rented out to girls. excited I had found a place to stay. Cause I had no where else. I paid a lot of money in advance. Then uneasiness hits as the ol man whom ran the place came to my tin door and proceeded to inform me of his very strict rules. I noticed he had an strange smell. Something wasn't right about him and then the rules happened to be: no boys ever allowed in or around the area except for him. All girls must be in there tins and in bed with lights out by 12 mid. cause he would be closing, chaining and then locking the black iron gates faithfully every night at this hour. Once they locked there was no getting in or out. until morning. When he'd unlock and open them again. It almost felt like the girls and I were going to school or something. Cause everyone seemed to be stressed and studying at night. any how, I then woke up. Tell my roommate as I always do about my dreams. Cause the y always seem to be like a story. Approx. 6 MO or so later. I frequently go visit this area I really liked and wouldn't mind living in. driving around to see if there were any houses to rent. Suddenly I got the chills and realized every hair on my body was standing strait up. I didn't feel good and knew something was wrong. feeling a little spooked I looked over to the left and there it was. That exact same house that was in my dream. There stood the lions statues on both sides of the gate. I guess I must of freaked. I think it was my jaw that hit the gas pedal and got me out of there and home. Because this was not a good feeling and I have no idea why. I rushed in to tell my roommate. Still kinda shocked by it all. He suggest we go back and check it out and see if the back yard is anything like in my dream. I said no way am I going back but then decided to, since he'd be with me and I could see if the back yard had a slope to it. kinda like a steep hill that came downward to the back of the house. Again as we went back I found by self getting a bad feeling and extremely uncomfortable. My roommate wasn't afraid at all and pulled right up into the drive way as far as we could go and we were able to see just a little of the back and sure enough we saw that the back had a steep like hill that came down towards the house. immediately after that, my roomies own jaw hit the gas peddal and we drove the heck out of there. what was interesting was there was one thing that was different from this house as opposed to the one in my dream. this one had a sign in front of it that was attached to the iron gates saying k nine obedient school. ever since then Ive not gone back looking for an for rent sign and no longer want to move into that area. Something about the two lion statues gates and smell. Also I later met a guy whom is a dog trainer. he said he knows the ol man who lives and works there. we compared what the man looked like and every thing matches and he says the guy is a little weird. And they don't get along much.
Now for the apt. complex I dreamed about and why IM upset that I cannot find it again. I dreamed I was an adult who was undercover for a detective. I was in disguise as a little girl. wandering around this apart complex that had very distinctive unusual colors and design. I remember it vividly. I met this ol man again. whom was trying to convince me it was safe to come stay with him. He had many children just like me. I guess I was a runaway or something didn't have a place to go. he realized this and tryed really hard at coursing me to comet to his home. finally I did, and yes indeed there were a lot of other children there. All children that had been lost of were runaways. I got the strangest vibes as he started to introduce me to them. there were like 7 or 8 children from ages I'd say 16 on down to I think what would be 5 years old. The youngest was a little girl. That without words I somehow connected with. They all tried to act as if they were happy but I felt there was something troubling all of them. And when I tried to leave the apt. I found out what it was. mind you this man also had that smell. Something wasn't right. but he would not let me go. I realized that all these children werent actually his but he made them say they were. He had them all brain washed. I was wired and had secretly been communicating with the detective I work with. and was told I had to get out of there right away so we could try and save these children. I was the evidence. Through my mind I reassured the little girl I'd be back and. not to worry everything would be OK. i would be escaping to go get help and all the children would be free. and somewhere in that I woke up. a few months went by and I was out somewhere driving and I stopped the car with out even thinking when i saw the exact same apt. complex. every thing was just as it was in my dream. the blue railing that angled down in a slope which you could see the underground carport. and then the glass doors to get in with the island with a tree in it at the back end and to the left which is right before you would turn left to get to that mans apt. again I freaked out Started driving real fast to get out of there and go tell somebody. got a hold of my girlfriend and she was going to go with me to check it out but I could not remember where the place was. We looked every were. and I still cant remember where it was. I didn't pay attention to the street just took off. something really tells me that there is a very good chance a man lives there and has children that are not his. Boys and girls. and God knows what ever else could be happening to them from this man. Its been a year or two since this happened. I still try and drive around the area where i think it was trying to run into it again. but no luck. It haunts me. and I feel like I failed these children. I can only pray that it was just a dream. How it changed my life:If I ever have a dream and happen to see the same place. I will slow down and find out every detail possible. street, address ect.. Then I will go get help so we can look into it. find out the name of who resides there. look them up sit out side the place and watch to see if it is the same man in my dream and with children. If it all matches up then contact authorities. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62756 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .