Hey everyone...tonight isnt a good night...Not a good one at all. I have one problem after another!!
My bf is really quiet, we've both been realy quiet for about 4 days or so-All because my mom and I got in a fight and it concerned my bf. But we talked on the 2nd day n I THOUGHT we came to an agreement, you know, but tonight he is SUPER quiet!! All of a sudden he seems sorta distant n quiet around me. Like something is bothering him. I asked him wats wrong n he says "nothing, dont worry about it" or "tired"...he doesnt like to talk about a lot of things that are bothering him, so it's hard for me when he's like this.
I waited for him for over a year and now that we are together, we never wanna lose eachother, but it just seems like we have nothing to talk about anymore, we're distant etc. One thing that has been bothering me and very possibly him too is that my mom doesn't think our relationship will work (thats what the fight was about) and I told her exactly how I feel and we talked it over, yet I still feel like she doesnt have any faith in us. Since he lives in a different state and we dont get to see eachother, (which feels like someone kicked u in the stomach) its a challenging relatonship. Cause his parents wont let him come see me, and I doubt my parents would let me go see him. So here we are, in love for over a year, just started dating 2 weeks ago, and we can't see eachother...
...He's been talking to his dad about movign here or just coming to see me and they wont let him...and im not gonna blame him, cause I know as soon as he can, he'll come see me. I just think it's so unfair that parents are like this...he said he can get his own plane ticket and all and they can talk to my parents and know that we aren't like cereal killers and wat not (which we're NOT), all he needs is their permission, but yet they still said no. Yeah, parents care about the well being of their children, but how is a teen suppose to grow when he is stuck at home and can't learn new things and travel new places? I just think is totally unfair...So, I'm thinking this is whats bothering him cause he's really quiet and distant...
...He said that it's not my fault he's quiet. Cause I asked him if I made him mad and he sid no...So Im hoping it's not something really bad thats bothering him...
Also-My other "friend" is rubbing things in my face and making me feel terrible!! Shes like a person who'd steal candy from a baby, then when they start crying, she'd give it back!! She's basically saying, ha, my bf is coming over to watch movies with me and my "other friends" and he's so sweet and so cool. too bad your bf can't come see you...what a shame!!...blah blah blah...rub in why dont ya!! Its bad enough not being able to see him like she can see her bf, I dont need some snot nosed lil brat to rub it in!!
I cant eat something without feeling nausea. I have the WORST stomach ache, this all is just piling up on top of eachother....Im so stressed and mad at the same time that its all making me sick to my stomach. I cant deal with it all at once. I blocked out a couple people and told them I was busy, and others just dont get the hint. I need to relax and just cool it for a while but as soon as I try n relax something happens :-( Someone important was shot, Jesus had his 2nd coming, the worlds gonna end in 30 sec...stop all the darn madness!!
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