The Death Of Frankenstein RIP By Londis Carpenter AKA Man Of Asgard
Tennessee teller of tall tales, thirsty for life and tester of limits, Read and respected—a highly regarded rebel! A live and appreciated author and communicator of Candid convictions. He cared. And, in caring, commanded respect. Young at forty-one, a gentle, brilliant soul subsides.
Amazing, awesome, angel of unsolved mysteries; a Lover of life, he still lives after death. Leaving a legacy both Enigmatic and excellent! In life he had a Number for a name—in death he no longer suffers pain.
Changer of reality, he challenged our comments, he commanded our condolences. Unique humorist, leaving none to imitate his intelligence and individual style. Pages published, his body perishes, passing in the face of prayer. His Presence missed; his pain gone, his soul lives on! RIP Frankenstein
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