Note: there's two more after this, and it's a two-part ending so I'll post them at the same time, and they should ideally be read one after the other... just giving you guys some warning that it's coming to an end. I've already started a new story, I'll be sure to put that one up here too as soon as I get some parts written.
That morning he was awoken by Shax. Shax warned him that this would be his last chance. He understood what Shax was saying, and planned a day, under Shax's supervision, for the greatest last chance they'd ever had. Shax had talked to Lilith the night before, and boht knew exactly what would become of today and tomorrow, how he would spend his last chance, and how she would spend hers.
As he lit a cigarette, Lilith took the time to wake her up. She rose and bid her farewell to Litlith and Shax. Lilith bid her good luck for the day as she and Shax disappeared. Then he took the time to turn her and take her hand again. He flicked his filter off across the grass and walked her to the arcade. There he subtly let her win any game they played. He turned on Carnival of Carnage for her on the jukebox. Then he bought her lunch at the pizza place next door. There he put The Great Milenko on the jukebox.
While she had gone on a restroom break, Shax appeared to him. Shax told him time was short, but he was paying his dues to the Dark Carnival well. Shax also told him after his last chance ran out, time and his reason would also run out. He felt uneasy about hearing this, but he understood his time was very thin and he'd need to act soon, or never.
Shax disappeared as she came back. He smiled at her as she came over. He looked too innocent. She quickly decided he was planning something, and decided to keep a close watch on him. She didn't even sit down when she announced she was done here. He stood up and opened his arms, seeing if she would get the hint. She found this gesture to be a little odd, but sensing what he wanted she went up and hugged him. He held her tight to him, the few seconds seemed too long. They parted and set out for the dugout once again.
On the way to the dugout he kept brushing her hand, then finally took it. Once there he acted even wierder. He kept her hand in his. He kept leaning in, then deciding against it. Finally he laid back against the dugout wall. She watched him more carefully, but as suspicious as she was, she moved over and laid down with him there. After a few moments he kissed her neck again. She turned her head to him suspiciously. She watched as he closed in and kissed her cheek this time.
As he came up he looked at her needingly and affectionately. She stared back, sharing the same feeling his eyes showed. He slowly closed his eyes, and seeing this she did the same. He leaned over her, moving in slowly until their lips finally met. He moved his hand to the nape of her neck as he deepened their kiss. A few minutes later she pulled back, just to let her mind catch up with the rest of her. Meanwhile he took time to lay down fully, and she fell asleep that night lying on top of him. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 39770 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .