Thankful for a marriage's bitter end
Ready to start over once again
No longer in tears
Living life in utter fear
Sleep fills the night
Knowing she will be alright
Held on for five years
Out of her own chidish fears
Of being alone
Realizing now in heart
They were never meant to be from the start
Blinded by what she wanted to feel
Denying what was true and real
After all this time
No love for the man
Can she find
No more worries
No more cares
No more long cold stares
Hate and bitterness gone
She can now move on
Like a flower she blooms
Will be leaving here soon
Glad to leave him behind
The sour grape on the vine
Smile permanent on my face
Not to be erased
Happier then I have been in years
Letting out all my feelings and fears
Not in control of tomorrow
Having no sorrow
Holds herself at night
No longer lonely in the night
Jumping up and down
Spinning all around
Celebrating the end
Ready to begin all over again.
I am so happy. I cannot remember ever being this happy before. Its odd really. Filled with glee I am just wanted you all to see....HEY YA'LL its a new ME. HUGS & BLESSINGS.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .