Always the darkness. It never ends. Tree, tree, tree, tree. Always a new tree. Steep hills and slick drops. Josh just wanted to get back to the campground and his friends. The fire was so far away that you couldn’t even really tell it was lit, unless you knew it was there. He promised he would never do this again if he made it back. “Just let me make it back, please god... please!” He kept thinking in his mind. Pain broke out around his ankle as his foot slipped in between a couple smaller rocks. He didn’t care if he cried; he was too scared for that now. He always had an obsession with being clean but now he was dirty. “Poor dirty Josh. Poor, Poor dirty Josh” he heard a voice say in his head. “Poor little Josh doesn’t want to come play?” “LEAVE ME ALONE” Josh panted as he climbed up a hill. He could barely make out the light from the fire at the campground now. He was getting closer, so much closer. If only he didn’t have that fight tonight, that argument over nothing too important. Just someone drinking his soda… why couldn’t he have let it go? “Joshie, where haveee you gonnne to?” “GO AWAYYY!” “I can’t Josh, we can be friends you know, why don’t you want to be my friend?” Tears started sliding down Josh’s cheek as he made his way through the brush and trees. “You found me Josh, and now you don’t want to be my friend? We just can’t have that can we Joshie?” “My name is JOSH!!” “Okie dokie joshie woshie.” The voice laughed in his head. Why did I have to mess with that, I could of left it alone. Josh thought to himself. More pain in his hand, rocks always have to be sharp when you fall. Josh had made the mistake of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe he should of known that its better to not mess with things you don’t know about. Magick shouldn’t be messed around with, especially when you just happen upon it and cast it.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .