Okay the yay is only for the loss of this job, I'd really kill for another BETTER one. Ugh today as you know I was havin problems sleepin. Well I fell asleep at 7 and woke myself up at 10 ready to go to work. After 2 cups of tea I went upstairs to dress and realized that I could barely see straight. My head hurt and I was goin on bout 6 hrs of sleep. I figured it may be my fault but driving in that condition is NOT fun and VERY dangerous (I've done it before) and this was just silly. I was sick of bending over backwards for a job I hated, didnt *technically* need, and was just ready to be done with. So I went downstairs and called Bonanza and they told me Tom wasn't in. I'd been told on Friday that he was the guy in charge of scheduling and so to fix these problems I'd need to get in touch with him. They said he wouldnt be in tell 11 (when I was supposed to be in.) So I slept an hour and called back. He STILL wasn't in so I asked to speak to the current manager which was the guy who owns the restraunt and had hired me. Hes a very sweet guy and I always thought it was nice of him to give me a chance so I felt bad even being in the situation. I mean I've been ready to quit for a week, on Friday I'd even gone to work determined to but I didnt have the heart... Anyways he said I needed to come in now or forget it, no way to change my schedule and he didnt even give me a chance to discuss changing postions (there was talk of moving me from waitress to buffet food preparer) or anything to remedy the problem! I said 1) I cant Im at home which is a half hour away, 2) I cant keep driving up there for 2 hours of work (yes they scheduled me for one hour of work today but usually you work 2-3) I just plain cant afford it. So he said either come in or be fired. I said I was sorry but I couldn't and this just wouldn't work. I guess that counts as being fired but I like to think of it as a mix of fired and quit LOL!
So anyways thats the update, tomorrow-Wenesday Im busy but on Thursday I might go job hunting again. Hope I didnt come off as a snob in the story Im just to tired to even think straight (I've barely slept since)...I'm happy though; I mean sure he was nice and all but nothing (minus expierence) was good about that job. Crappy pay, Crappy work to do, Crappy other managers and certain workers, Crappy hours, LOL nothing good! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15675 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .