Lightning crashed and thunder rolled 9 am the hall clock tolled A mother's wail of pain and strife Cut through the air like a knife A tiny cry from behind the door No need for pain, not any more
The rain subsided and sun did shine A rainbown shown at a quarter to 9
Two miracles were born that day One is here, the other gone away. Both a symbol of hope and love One of earth the other above
That little girl grew up one day Her life once bright, seems to be gray
So much trauma for such a short time So many tears for such heinous crimes
Life is now brighter for her she feels God has impeded his gift on her heels
Though she may be wary, Onward she strives To get through each day and touch other's lives
Everyone she meets changes each day Her dreams become theirs in some small way
So she trudges on with hope in her heart Armed with love and a new day to start.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .