Summer,July 1996, I was in college and in Jackson Mississippi visiting a boyfriend. We were parked out at beach located within the Natchez Trace. The area we were in was pretty much occupied with about 7-10 cars all parked along side the water just enjoying the view. At 9 pm my boyfriend and I got out of the car to look at the stars because it was a clear night.Out of the stars we saw a very bright light that appeared to be a star in the sky. As the light became more intense, I became so involved at looking at it that I can not remember if we were still conversating or if he too had become fasinated by the light. I remeber having a warm sensation over come my whole body, I felt as though this light and I were the only two things in existance, and continued to stare at it for what I thought was about ten more minutes. After it faded, we conitued to talk about how that star seemed to light up the whole sky and we both got into the car. After turning on the car, I looked at the clock on his radio and asked him to set his clock because it was not showing the correct time. He looked at his watch, and indeed, it was 2:16 am. We both could not understand, how, but why we had stayed outside, looking at what we thought to be a star. We never talked about it again, nor did we mention it to anyone else. I think we both had an understanding that what we saw was not a star, but something not of our world. A year later, we discussed what we saw, and he stated that he thinks we were abducted that summer, for what reasons , we will never know. It has been 8 years, and I am just now feeling comfortable enough to tell this story. Whenever I think about that night, I think the hair on neck stands on end. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62667 ( Click here )
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