"The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future." Marya Mannes
Chapter 3
"Even though ancient civilizations have documented sudden earth changes in the past, isn't it possible that Sedna is too small to be considered dangerous?" asked Cardinal Bertone.
"There's no doubt the brown dwarf will draw Sedna closely within the solar system, the proximity will affect the earth's geomagnetic spin, stability and rotation. Some may call this dangerous, your excellence," The project manager replied deferentially, begrudging his assignment for the papal commission. He didn't want to cross Cardinal Bertone, known for his short fuse and direct access to the throne of St. Peter.
The Vatican scientists and staff concluded that the brown dwarf was causing the strange orbit of the ice planet, Sedna. They had payed dearly for the declassified software programs and the dedicated feed from JPL, but it was the top-secret quantum computer that cost the most. After acquiring the plans through Pentagon contacts, they engaged a Chinese firm to build the prototype. The system allowed for elliptical orbit calculation, what-if scenarios, and the location of known planets. It also tracked four other pluto sized objects and then filtered out current space debris. The array that located the brown dwarf was based on cuneiform symbols found in Sumerian and Babylonian scriptures. The main program was a coded ELS routine, similar to the ones used for analyzing symbols in the Old Testament. Ancient tradition teaches that the first five books of the Bible, the Torah, were dictated to Moses letter by letter. It was said that all human events- past, present, and future are encoded there. According to the program output, God must have helped the Sumerians perform the same miracle.
"Since this brown dwarf was never closer than 1000UA from the sun, it was undetectable, the program has allowed us to find it. We have directed the Hubble to the location, if your holiness will look into the view screen..." said the young Vatican network administrator. The Pope excused the entire staff from the room, except for Cardinal Bertone. He sighed audibly as he was wheeled slowly towards the special display unit, built for the aging pontiff. He gazed down at the forty-inch display built into the desk and stared in awe at the beauty of the solar system.
"There is one other problem, your Immanence, our protected feed for accessing the Hubble has been compromised. I have one of our operatives in the States following a Professor Tong, he's currently building a dossier, and it should be available soon," the Cardinal reported.
"Whatever must be done to protect the Church, must be done. It is for the good of all, not just one man, that we live and serve. Handle it the best way you see fit, but keep the good of the Church foremost at all times." he replied in a muted whisper. He sometimes felt the weight of the world on his aging shoulders, and it seemed the weight just got heavier.
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