(Recap) Charles Koon was a demented loon, He was a ventriloquist.
His Dummy Willy wasn't so silly, He took his very last breath.
For you see, the wooden dummy helped Charles make alot of money,
and only ol' Willy knew where it was all stashed.
Yet now as "IT" pulls Charles by the tummy to the parking lot still mumbling -
Its' wooden head now becomes part of a car crash.
The car hit the Dummy and the body of Charlie, As a crowd started running to see, And an ambulance started coming its' lights vivacious and stunning, While both their souls are now set free.
The two of them clashed in a bitter hatered twist as now these spirits create a new creed,
And as their souls both colapsed to one anothers mist, I am frightened by what I now see.
They return to the earth now as hell will not have them ,
A distored rebirth now, a new shell I can't fathom.
Yes they are now one, the Dummy and Son.
Back to make us all run, A new terror has begun.
......In other words: The Dummy and Charles' soul have united after death and became "ONE" big ugly dummy..LOL. take care ~YHB~ How it changed my life:It hurts seeing these thangs! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62633 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .