I should take up smoking, So my lungs can match my soul. Theres no use trying to fake it anymore, My heart is already a black hole.
You should twist the knife in my back, A little more to the left. Wait, a little deeper, keep going, I cant feel the pain yet.
Life is like a box of chocolates, You never know what were going to get. A life filled with misery and woe, Or nothing but regret.
Who said life was like a fruit basket On an Easter Sunday morning? Or if you stay quiet long enough, You can hear the lion roaring?
Why should I even bother, Writing this poem for you? So you can make fun of me and laugh? Tell me Im just a wanna be? Im not good enough for you?
Just because you can do anything the first time you try. Doesn't mean I dont have talent or your better then me. This MY talent, My thing. And someday you'll all see.
I should take up smoking, So my lungs can match my soul, I gave up on you, Im the one in control .........Now.........
12 Lost Souls
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .