There was a girl lets say her name is Becky, anyway she was with her two friends and they were taliking about them not being scared of anything! So becky was like ya, I can even stay at a cemetary at night if i want to! so her friends had an idea! they told her that she can not spend the night at the cemetary with the statue that supposealy kills you! she goes there is no suck thing of a killer statue! They said that this lady got killed by her husband by getting beat or something, anyways! she was like no i won't do it! her friends tell her you chicken or something she no, i will do it then! so that same night she took her blanket and pillow and she stay the night over there! Her friends went by the cemetary and saw her sleeping so they thought they should drop by! so they went and scared her and she had got mad cause they were telling her that she was scared! she was like no i am not! then her freinds were like we did not tell you the other part of the story! that if anyone sleeps with the statue that her husband will stangle yuo cause he dont want anyone sleeping with her! after her friends left she was kind of shook up but she wanted to show her friends that she was not scared of sleeping with a stupid statue so she fell right back to sleep!The next morning her friends went to go see if she was still there and they could not belive that she actually stay the night, but when they tried to wake her up she wouldnt! then they check if she was breathing but she wasnt! SHE HAD DIED! Then one of the frineds noticed that she had stangling marks on her neck! They did not belive what they had saw!They didnt know if it was someone that just got her at night or the STATUE?????? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28202 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .