The other night, I dreamed about someone I hadn't thought about in a very long time.
When I was a sophomore in high school, I noticed at lunch one day a new guy, sitting all by himself. I wanted to invite him to my table but I'm so shy I couldn't have done it. Anyway, out of the whole cafeteria filled with some 500+ people, we made eye contact.
After that, I kept seeing him everywhere. I went to a huge school where you're unlikely to run into one person more than once a day, but he was seriously everywhere. I didn't think too much of it, but it continued over the next few days and I could always feel him staring at me. When I finally told my best friend about this guy, she told me I was crazy. But that afternoon, he showed up on my bus. My school, with over a hundred jam packed busses. Turns out, he lived on the exact same street as me.
Over the next few weeks he continued to catch my eye. I don't know what it was about him, he wasn't particularly good looking or anything and he seemed to be just as shy as I was. I never talked to him even though I saw him everywhere and I know he noticed me. I felt so strange, like we had some unspoken bond.... a wordless connection that I can't really explain. I'd sometimes forget about him for a while, and as soon as I did, he would always appear somewhere right in front of me. I know this was not planned by him.... he just had classes that put him en route to me.
Something else a little strange happened then. My little brother became good friends with his little sister. All this time I wanted badly to just go talk to him, because the whole situation seemed so incredibly weird... but I'm cursed with a shyness that I can't get away from and I just couldn't bring myself to initiate a conversation.
A little later I found out he and his family were moving, even though he'd just moved here a few months ago. I stopped seeing him around at school then, and he moved and was gone. I forgot about him for a a while, but then one day, I started thinking about him on my way to school. I was in my car and glanced over and there he was, in the car next to me at a stoplight... and he saw me too. After that I never saw him again.
It's been about four years since then and I've thought of him off an on. I always wondered, why all the coincidences? Why was he everywhere? I mean, I felt like someone was pushing us, trying to get us to be friends by making it nearly impossible for us not to. Maybe they didn't count on us both being so shy.
Anyway, I am wondering if you can tell me, do you feel that I might have missed out on something important? Was there really a connection between us, or did I imagine it? It was like I had that window of opportunity to get to know him and when it was gone, it was gone. All I know now is that his name was Jacob. I don't know where he is or even his last name. Not to mention I live in a completely different state now.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .