The movie 13 GOING ON 30 is well to me a ok movie i gaive tins movie a 8 out of ten it realy wasn't that funny but the movie at the end had a very good life lessen that when we are little still in school that we shouldn't jry to be something we are not we should just be who we are and not change because when are like 30 we are going to regreat and thing why did i do this or didn't do this or whay i didn't go out or went with him/her. well anyway the movie is about this girl named Jenna who is 13 years old who want to be 30 years old and popular so she invites some popular kids to her birthday so at her birthday after they trick her in to playing 7 min in heven she waits in the closit till the boy she likes goes in there. well it was a trick so all the popular kids she invited leave. her best friend opens the closit door and now Jenna is mad at her best friend because she think that he made them leave. so after banning her head some sprink dust fall on her and she is say that she want to be 30. when Jenna wakes up she finds out that her wish came true and now she must live her live as a 30 year old and find out what happened from when she was 13 to 30 and what happend to her best friend she got mad at. so i think that everyone she go see this movie you might like it 13 GOING ON 30 NOW AT A THERATER NEAR YOU. SO GO SEE IT You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55582 ( Click here )
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