Not too sure if anyone has really talked about this "legend" before, but it's something I thought was pretty interesting. I read about it a few years ago, and up until recently still thought this place was real and it was all true. I did some research and found out some pretty interesting things.
The tales are of a strange family with the name Dupont. Supposedly their house used to be a church which was used to wed with their cousins. They hid inbreds who were the results of incest. They have "guards" that drive pickup trucks that will chase you away if you get too close to the house.
Some people even said the road this house was located could not be found on any map. Some even say the house is/was owned by the KKK or Satan worshippers who have satanic rituals and human sacrifices at the house.
The trees on the southern side seem to grow away from the house, some say it's due to the evil deeds that occur there. There's even a tree they call "the skull tree" because it's roots resemble a human skull.
Then there's a site where a lot of people claim to have been chased by the red pickups, harrassed by the Hell's Angels, and saw blood on stop signs.
It gets funny though, because when I started researching around about the place I found out that it does have a name, there are some Dupont's but never had inbreds, or such, and people have been chased.. but we'll get to that a bit later.
The house they call the "cult house" is located on Cossart Road in Chadds Ford Chester County PA.
The trees on the southern side do indeed tilt away from the house, but they are on a decline growing on a hill. Also, limbs had been cut away that did lean towards the house to prevent them from interfering with power lines.
The skull tree does exist, and it's roots do resemble a skull.
People did indeed get chased, and they may have thought they were being chased by the KKK or satan worshipping guards of the house.. but in fact were being chased by teenagers messing around. They were pretty much chasing eachother, these kids would go out on the road looking for something scary at the same time other ones would, and alot of times they scared eachother.
Vandalism was popular on the road, people who lived on the road being harrassed, their land trespassed on, and just all kinds of other things were occurring. (Here's a snippet from a website I found about the place)
"Terry _____ submitted a written report to the Board on Cossart Road and relating the consistent problems the residents have with vandalism, loittering, grafatti, field fires and noise. This happens mainly between the hours of 10 P.M. and 2 A.M. The road seems to have a reputation for cruising, drinking, and drugs."
**The problem got so bad that the residents of the road actually hired private security to patrol the road. Between joke playing vandals, and these security patrols, any account of being followed on Cossart Road can be easily explained.
Now as for the house itself, some one had one part right..... the house was owned by the Duponts for some time. The house was previously owned by a little old lady who was a DuPont, but unfortunately she passed away about 6 years ago. Now the house is owned by an elderly man, who everyone in the area has met. He keeps to himself mosty, but strongly denies that there is any Cult activity going on at his house.
After years of vandalism, the municipality has been trying to put an end to the stories. An abandoned building , along with a good number of the warped trees, have been removed from the area. Also, for the last year, the road has been closed except for local traffic. Permission from the township is required to travel the road, and violators will face a fine of up to $1000. The road is planned to be closed indefinately, unless all activity ceases.** (Here's the website where you can read the posts and legends about it for yourself pretty interesting I thought)
And if that isn't bad enough, the last thing I read about the place was an article posted by someone on a motorcycle messageboard warning people to be careful if travelling on Cossart Road as a few teens strung a fishing line across the road tied to trees, at about neck length. No one was harmed and someone must of got a glimpse of who did it as there was a description of the boys.
but wow, what a crazy place. I used to want to visit it (when I actually believed the stories) but that is one place I want to stay away from. lol. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 54174 ( Click here )
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