Carlos and Olga Both have funny names Carlos and Olga Both called in sick today
Is'nt it funny And don't it make you wonder Carlos and Olga What kind of spell they're under
While the world is at war And so many people disagree Carlos and Olga Have set themselves free
They're in love don't you know They're in Love They're in love can't you see They're in love
Took the time to explore Realize that there is more
They're in love
Punch the time card No, not today Work is forgotten That's all I can say
More importantly Though they are'nt rich Is time for themselves Soon to be "hitched"
The plans that they make For a life to fulfill Together for each other's sake They know they fit the bill
They're in love don't you know They're in love They're in love can't you see They're in love
There are some at work Who may complain About this current absence I say you mus'nt complain
There are some at work With some disdain With envy for disaster Then too soon to blame
The way I see things Is far more better As I recall the day When I myself had letters
When I was young And in love For the very first time I felt I committed no crime
They're in love can't you see They're in love They're in love, so let them be And appreciate it's very beauty
What if the world took time to explore To realize that there is more More than war There is LOVE
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .